Scihub_ck is a tiny tool for checking the working domain of sci-hub. Sci-Hub is a website with over 64.5 million academic papers and articles available for direct download. In 2015 academic publisher Elsevier filed a legal complaint in New York City against Sci-Hub alleging copyright infringement, and the subsequent lawsuit led to a loss of the original sci-hub.org domain. Following the first domain loss, Sci-Hub has cycled through a number of domains, some of which have been blocked in certain countries. For check the working domains timely, I developed the tiny tool based on Shell and Perl.
perl scihub_ck list_all
The list file contained 262 domains to check. The output file will be generated into the 'web' directory. The files with 27 kb are corresponding to the working domains.
Update every minute
Online version is available now: https://wadauk.github.io/scihub_ck/index.html
local version
add online version
add pipeline shell script for local version
speed up and shorten the update cycle for online version
move the codes from pi to cloud and speed up
High speed and stable version. New strategy to speed up. Every fast check only need less than 20 seconds!