This repo is to provide an example CloudFormation template that can be provided to AWS Customers that want to allow Read-Only Access or Full Access to the Well-Architected Tool (WAT) within their account to an external AWS account using an IAM cross-account role.
Provide the included CloudFormation template to the party that wants to provide external access to the Well-Architected Tool in their account.
The following parameters are needed:
- AccountName [String]: Friendly name of the external AWS account that will be given access to the Well-Architected Tool.
- ExternalAccountID [Number]: 12-digit external AWS account ID that will be given access to the Well-Architected Tool.
- WellArchitectedAccessLevel [Pull-Down Option]: Permissions the IAM Role allows to the WAT. Available options are ReadOnly, FullAccess. The template utilizes these two AWS Managed Policies for the Well-Architected Tool service.
Once the CloudFormation Stack is complete, one of the Stack output fields is a URL the external party can use to federate via switch-roles into the account the template is deployed in with the specified level of access to the AWS Well-Architected Tool.