Scripts that can be used for information gathering on machines during IR.
Each directory contains a script that can be used. Naturally some of these commands do require some more specific parameters to be configured prior to running and you may need to run these as either root
or with admin privilleges on Windows machines. As always, read the scripts and make sure you understand what they do before you run them.
Only have a few minutes? Below is a quick referecne sheet for running commands to get an idea for what is being run on the system or what it might be used for. You can either save these to a file, or if you are using some termianl tool you could have that export/save the output of these commands to a file.
ps -aux ps
netstat -atu
cat /etc/passwd
tail /var/log/auth.log
tail /var/log/cron
tail /var/log/httpd
journalctl -u sshd
crontab -u root -l
systemctl --type=service --state=active
top -b -n 1
This could even be combined with my SANS cheatsheet for Windows found here.
netstat -ao
net users
net accounts
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all