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How to upload an ItemsAdder addon, a plugin that uses ItemsAdder API, ItemsAdder configurations, etc.
- Click on the
(ItemsAdder) orcc
(CosmeticsCore) folder - Click on
Add file
->Create new file
- Set the file name to something meaningful for your project, for example project name and author name.
- Do not add special characters or spaces in the file name.
- Do not replace other files.
- Copy and paste the content of the example file from the bottom of this page. Edit every property to your preference.
- Use this website to create an unix date and set it in the file.
Upload the resource logo or screenshot using a service like https://smms.app/ . Use globally accessible image hosting websites, or even your private object storage! (Chinese users cannot access github raw and imgur)
Now press on
Commit changes...
and create a pull request.
- every resource you publish MUST NOT contain any of the default itemsadder resources (textures, models, .jar file).
- you can publish resources only on these websites: SpigotMC, PolyMart, BuiltByBit, McModels.
- you must satisfy the rules of the marketplace where you published the resource.
author: LoneDev
content: Currency indicator, GPS, quiver and more HUDs for ItemsAdder
image: https://s2.loli.net/2022/10/27/5gB1SRheKNUmyIp.png
icon: https://www.spigotmc.org/data/resource_icons/97/97486.jpg?1636395812
link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/addon-rpghuds-for-itemsadder.97486
premium: false
- hud
- plugin
title: AdvancedCrates
time: 114514
author: Cha_Shao
image: /assets/item/cc/Amogus/image.png
link: '#'
premium: false
tag: ballon
title: Amogus
time: 114514
Text that begins with a special symbol needs to be enclosed in quotation marks
# available title: '[Itemsadder] Example' # unavailable title: [Itemsadder] Example
Special symbols known to require quotation marks: