Kun Qian, Wei Vivian Li 2022-05-20
- Version 0.1.4 released!
scINSIGHT uses a novel matrix factorization model to jointly analyze multiple single-cell gene expression samples from biologically heterogeneous sources, such as different disease phases, treatment groups, or developmental stages. It assumes that each gene module is a sparse and non-negative linear combination of genes, and each cell is jointly defined by the expression of common and condition-specific modules. Given multiple gene expression samples from different biological conditions, scINSIGHT aims to simultaneously identify common and condition-specific gene modules and quantify their expression levels in each sample in a lower-dimensional space.
Any suggestions on the package are welcome! For technical problems, please report to Issues. For suggestions and comments on the method, please contact Kun ([email protected]) or Vivian ([email protected]).
You can install scINSIGHT
Please refer to the package vignette for examples about how to use the package functions.