Development of a personal debt and payment manager, using Kotlin for Android
Main Screen - PagamentosMain:
A fragment that shows the list of created payments (Pagamento
) (clicking in a payment shows it's information in a toast notification) and shows the details screen of the selected payment.
Creation Screen - CriarPagamento:
A fragment that allows you to create a new payment (Pagamento
), with:
Start Date
and 2 Participants (more can be added by clicking on the +
If it is a one-time payment (no frequency) you can adjust how much each participant must pay.
The create button only allows you to create if all the fields are properly filled.
Details Screen - DetalhesPagamento:
A fragment in which you are able to visualize all the details of the selected payment (Pagamento
), and have a overview of the latest payment history (HistoricoDePagamento). When you get to this screen, it will verify the payment histories for updates, based on the current date and the date of the last registered payment.
You can easily mark a payment history as "paid" by tapping on "not paid", which will update the entire UI to match the most recent "unpaid" payment history (if all are already "paid", the latest history will be displayed). There's a button to see all the HistoricoDePagamento
of that payment.
History Screen - HistoricosPagamento:
A fragment that shows a list (RecyclerView
) of all histories of the current payment. It allows you to mark any history as "paid", and it suggests to change all past unpaid histories to "paid". It will eventually allow you to change the value of a history.
Background Worker
A CoroutineWorker
, that works on a background thread, using PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder
set to run every DAY, it updates all payments (Pagamento
), with autoUpdatePayment = true
, creating new payments up until the moment it is running.
Linked with UpdatePagamentoWork
, when it finishes updating a payment, it will then send a push notification with that payments new history information, informing the user of a new payment!
Projeto do Gerenciador de pagamentos - Android (Kotlin)