As a freelancer and developer, I had the opportunity to deliver several projects for real clients, helping to optimize business owners' results through the development of websites and applications. One of my available apps has over 1,000 downloads on the Play Store.
With my experience and knowledge as a developer, my mission goes beyond code: I seek to improve people's quality of life through technology, providing innovative solutions. I am always open to new challenges and opportunities that allow me to grow professionally.
I am currently working as a developer in React.js, React Native, JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js.
🛠️ Core technologies:
• CSS3
• JavaScript
• TypeScript
💻 Front-end development:
• React.js
• React Native
• Next.js
• Styled-Components
• Tailwind
• Global State Manager: React Query, Context API, Zustand, Redux
📱 Mobile development:
• React Native
• Expo
• Android Studio
• Xcode
• Experience with application publications
🔙 Back-end development (APIs):
• Node.js
• Prisma
• Knex
• PostGress
• SQLite
• MongoDB
• Firebase
🧰 Other skills:
• Realm.db
• React Hook Form & Zod & Yup
• API Restfull
• Figma
• Ui & Ux
• Git & Github
• Agile methodologies
• Scrum
• Notion & Jira