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WordPress Custom Post Types Plugin

Custom post type class for easy creation. Based on JJGrainger's PHP class:


  1. Download, install, and enable plugin in WordPress
  2. Create a new file for each post type in post-types directory.
  3. require each post type file in custom-post-types.php

How to Use

Check out post-types/example.php for an example.

Post Type Name

static $name = 'vtl_widget';
  • name – Post type name (required, singular, lowercase, underscores). It's recommended to prefix this value to prevent collisions.

Post Type Labels

static $labels = [
    'singular' => 'Widget',
    'plural'   => 'Widgets',
  • singular – Name for one object of this post type.
  • plural – Name for two or more objects of this post type.

Post Type Options

static $options = [
    'supports'            => array('title'),
    'hierarchical'        => false,
    'menu_position'       => 20,
    'menu_icon'           => 'dashicons-star-filled',
    'show_in_nav_menus'   => true,
    'has_archive'         => false,
    'exclude_from_search' => false,
    'rewrite'             => array('with_front' => false)

All available options →

Create Post Type

add_action('after_setup_theme', ['\\Vital\\Posttypes\\Example', 'initialize']);

This will call the parent class's initialize function which will handle all the dirty work.

Set Menu Icon

Carefully choose your perfect Dashicon →

The slug of the dashicon should be set to the $options menu-icon item.

$options['menu-icon] = 'dashicons-star-filled';

Change Title Placeholder Text (Optional)

Changes the placeholder text in the title field on the post editor.

static $placeholder_text = 'Enter widget name here';

Customize Admin Columns

Adding Columns

Create column
static $admin_columns = [
    'custom_meta' => 'Custom Meta'

The admin_columns property on the class is an array of key & value pairs where the key represents the slug of the column and the value is the label to display for the column.

Populate column with content
static $admin_columns = [
	'widget_category' => 'Widget Categories',
	'is_locked'       => 'Is Locked?'
public static function admin_column_is_locked($column, $post) {
	$value = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'is_locked', true);
	echo $value === 1 ? 'Yes' : 'No';

If the column key represents a slug for an associated taxonomy, the values will be pre-populated by the extended class and there is no other logic needed for those columns unless desired.

In the example above, widget_category is for a taxonomy and will NOT require any futher logic to display the basic column content. The is_locked column requires additional logic to populate it's content. The extended class creates a scaffold for populating that content. Just create a function called admin_column_[column-slug] where [column-slug] is the array key of the column as defined in $admin_columns and have that function echo out the desired content.

Hiding Columns

static $admin_columns_to_remove = ['date', 'author', 'wpseo-score', 'wpseo-score-readability'];

Add the column key to the array of columns to remove.


static $taxonomies = [
	'widget_category' => [
		'labels' => [
			'name'              => 'Widget Categories',
			'singular'          => 'Widget Category',
			'plural'            => 'Widget Categories',
			'menu_name'         => 'Widget Categories',
			'add_new_item'      => 'Add Widget Category',
			'not_found'         => 'No Widget Categories Found',
			'parent_item'       => 'Parent Widget Categories',
			'parent_item_colon' => 'Parent Widget Categories:',
		'heirarchical'     => true,
		'rewrite' => [
			'slug'       => 'widget-category'
			'with_front' => true,
	'tags' => []

Taxonomies are associated with this posttype, by a key and value array of taxonomy settings. The key should be the slug of the taxonomy (singular, lowercase, using underscores). If this is a 'new' taxonomy, add an array of the configuration options for the taxonomy. If this is a pre-existing taxonomy, an empty array is all that is required for the options value.

All available options →

The extended class will create filter dropdowns for any taxonomies associated with this posttype.


Custom post type class for easy creation






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