Releases: VisActor/VTable
Releases · VisActor/VTable
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: add option customComputeRowHeight and defaultRowHeight can set "auto"
- @visactor/vtable: add taskShowMode for gantt chart #2849
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: when edit record task date update taskbar occor error #2938
- @visactor/vtable: fix last col&row editor size #2926
- @visactor/vtable: fix cell update event problem in CustomCellStylePlugin #2927
- @visactor/vtable: fix react-component in tree mode update
- @visactor/vtable: fix default row height in computeRowHeight() #2903
- @visactor/vtable: fix legend visible problem when reize table
- @visactor/vtable: fix cache problem in Icon.loadGif() #2905
- @visactor/vtable: fix merge radio cell check update #2881
- @visactor/vtable: fix strokeArrayWidth update in updateCell() #2811
📖 docs
- @visactor/vtable: add getTaskBarRelativeRect api #2920
What's Changed
- merge Main into develop by @Rui-Sun in #2974
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.11.5 by @github-actions in #2975
- fix: 修复甘特图执行updateScales时,grid宽度计算错误的问题 by @guaizi149 in #2989
- 2829 feature gantt chart support taskShowMode by @fangsmile in #2842
- 2938 bug edit create link error by @fangsmile in #2977
- 2920 feature vtable gantt taskbar position by @fangsmile in #2970
- Fix/grid width cal by @fangsmile in #2990
- Feat/fs bs by @Rui-Sun in #2982
- fix: fix react-component in tree mode update by @Rui-Sun in #2984
- fix: fix strokeArrayWidth update in updateCell() #2811 by @Rui-Sun in #2985
- fix: fix legend visible problem when reize table by @Rui-Sun in #2986
- fix: fix merge radio cell check update #2881 by @Rui-Sun in #2991
- fix: fix cache problem in Icon.loadGif() #2905 by @Rui-Sun in #2994
- fix: fix default row height in computeRowHeight() #2903 by @Rui-Sun in #2993
- [Auto release] release 1.12.0 by @github-actions in #2996
Full Changelog: v1.11.5...v1.12.0
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: add @visactor/vtable-plugins package
📖 docs
- @visactor/vtable: 更新进入或离开节点时的事件文档
- @visactor/vtable: 更新甘特图事件文档,暴露整个e的信息
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: columnWidthConfig match problem #2957
What's Changed
- Main by @fangsmile in #2955
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.11.3 by @github-actions in #2956
- 2957 bug hide indicator columnwidthconfig by @fangsmile in #2961
- [Auto release] release 1.11.4 by @github-actions in #2962
Full Changelog: v1.11.3...v1.11.4
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: frozen chart not update when resize row or column width #2876
- @visactor/vtable: fix custom-component update in deleteRecords api
🔨 refactor
- @visactor/vtable: when columnWidthConfig set wrong dimensions should judge this case #2948
What's Changed
- Main by @fangsmile in #2918
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.11.2 by @github-actions in #2919
- feat: gannt add dependency link point click event by @guaizi149 in #2913
- feat: change disableselect function api by @Wangjing991 in #2929
- docs: update auto-wrap-text demo by @knoxnoe in #2942
- fix: fix custom-component update in deleteRecords api by @Rui-Sun in #2933
- docs: supplement icon register and gantt-customlayout demo #2921 by @fangsmile in #2923
- docs: update row series number guide and auto wrap text guide by @fangsmile in #2946
- Feat/add link point click event by @fangsmile in #2930
- 2876 bug frozen vchart update by @fangsmile in #2931
- 2922 feature disable select function by @fangsmile in #2940
- fix: when arrange custom style cell range is beyond table ange occor … by @fangsmile in #2943
- 2948 refactor columnwidthconfig by @fangsmile in #2951
- [Auto release] release 1.11.3 by @github-actions in #2954
New Contributors
- @guaizi149 made their first contribution in #2913
- @knoxnoe made their first contribution in #2942
Full Changelog: v1.11.2...v1.11.3
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: add select makeSelectCellVisible #2840
- @visactor/vtable: add setCustomSelectRanges in stateManager #2750 #2845
- @visactor/vtable: optimize range select in HeaderHighlightPlugin
- @visactor/vtable: isShowOverflowTextTooltip support function
- @visactor/vtable: cell support multi-custom-style #2841
- @visactor/vtable: templateLink support function #2847
- @visactor/vtable: add position in tooltip config #2869
- @visactor/vtable: add parentElement in menu option
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: add isValidatingValue state to fix call validateValue api repeatedly #2830
- @visactor/vtable: when up on canvas blank area not drag position rightly #2831
- @visactor/vtable: when resize column width the select state be cleared #2861
- @visactor/vtable: when container resize trigger mark line resize #2883
- @visactor/vtable: when not set minDate maxDate call setRecords render error #2892
- @visactor/vtable: fix cell border dash update #2818
- @visactor/vtable: fix merge cell text position #2858
- @visactor/vtable: fix functional padding update #2774
- @visactor/vtable: fix select all in row-series-number checkbox #2880
🔨 refactor
- @visactor/vtable: when set headerSelectMode body drag column order should work #2860
What's Changed
- Merge main into develop by @Rui-Sun in #2851
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.11.0 by @github-actions in #2852
- Docs/supplemet gantt option by @fangsmile in #2856
- docs: add guides of plugins by @Rui-Sun in #2862
- 2830 bug editor validatevalue repeatedly by @fangsmile in #2857
- 2831 bug drag row error by @fangsmile in #2848
- fix: fix merge cell text position #2858 by @Rui-Sun in #2866
- feat: isShowOverflowTextTooltip support function by @Rui-Sun in #2867
- feat: optimize range select in HeaderHighlightPlugin by @Rui-Sun in #2868
- feat: add setCustomSelectRanges in stateManager #2750 #2845 by @Rui-Sun in #2871
- fix: fix cell border dash update #2818 by @Rui-Sun in #2872
- Merge main into develop by @Rui-Sun in #2875
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.11.1 by @github-actions in #2887
- Docs/list table hierarchy expand level by @fangsmile in #2894
- 2860 feature drag column order by @fangsmile in #2890
- 2861 bug select state clear when reisze col width by @fangsmile in #2886
- 2840 feature disable scroll when click cell by @fangsmile in #2885
- 2883 bug gantt markline resize by @fangsmile in #2884
- fix: fix functional padding update #2774 by @Rui-Sun in #2877
- feat: templateLink support function #2847 by @Rui-Sun in #2879
- feat: cell support multi-custom-style #2841 by @Rui-Sun in #2889
- chore: remove react in react-vtable umd file by @Rui-Sun in #2891
- feat: add position in tooltip config #2869 by @Rui-Sun in #2896
- fix: fix select all in row-series-number checkbox #2880 by @Rui-Sun in #2898
- Fix/carousel config by @Rui-Sun in #2904
- 2892 bug gantt set records by @fangsmile in #2897
- [Auto release] release 1.11.2 by @github-actions in #2917
Full Changelog: v1.11.1...v1.11.2
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: add setCustomSelectRanges in stateManager #2750 #2845
- @visactor/vtable: optimize range select in HeaderHighlightPlugin
- @visactor/vtable: isShowOverflowTextTooltip support function
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: add isValidatingValue state to fix call validateValue api repeatedly #2830
- @visactor/vtable: when up on canvas blank area not drag position rightly #2831
- @visactor/vtable: fix cell border dash update #2818
- @visactor/vtable: fix merge cell text position #2858
What's Changed
- [Auto release] release 1.11.1 by @github-actions in #2873
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.11.1
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: when dimension set width auto but no records, the col width not compute #2515
- @visactor/vtable: when call updateColumns should update aggregation #2519
- @visactor/vtable: change outsideClickDeselect trigger time when pointerdown #2553
- @visactor/vtable: when sort with row series number occor error #2558
- @visactor/vtable: fix select auto-scroll in bottom #2546
- @visactor/vtable: fix auto size in react custom component
- @visactor/vtable: fix custom component flash when cell resizes #2516
- @visactor/vtable: fix custom component in forzen cell #2568
- @visactor/vtable: fix legend with padding layout size
- @visactor/vtable: fix cellLocation in createComplexColumn #2517
- @visactor/vtable: fix merge cell select range #2521
🔨 refactor
- @visactor/vtable: when value is promise cell style function should await #2549
What's Changed
- [Auto release] release 1.11.1 by @github-actions in #2873
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.8.3
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: add event changing_header_position
- @visactor/vtable: drag order highlight line render
- @visactor/vtable: add change_header_position_fail event
- @visactor/vtable: add argument recalculateColWidths for api toggleHierarchyState #2817
- @visactor/vtable: add InvertHighlightPlugin
- @visactor/vtable: add vtable-calendar
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: pivot chart pie type selected state not work #2178
- @visactor/vtable: rose pivotchart click legend then hover chart render error #2209
- @visactor/vtable: when chart row is frozen render error #2800
- @visactor/vtable: when after select range not exist #2804
- @visactor/vtable: call renderWithRecreateCells should not effect colWidth when widthMode is adaptive #2835
- @visactor/vtable: add CarouselAnimationPlugin
- @visactor/vtable: add HeaderHighlightPlugin
🔨 refactor
- @visactor/vtable: when set disableSelect but api selectCell can work #2799
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: pivot chart spec enable select not work #2210
- @visactor/vtable: sortState field undefined occor error
What's Changed
- Main by @fangsmile in #2794
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.10.4 by @github-actions in #2795
- Fix sort state field undefined error by @fangsmile in #2793
- 2210 bug vtable pivot chart selectenable by @fangsmile in #2787
- [Auto release] release 1.10.5 by @github-actions in #2809
Full Changelog: v1.10.4...v1.10.5
🆕 feat
- @visactor/vtable: gantt dependency line support tree node #2701
- @visactor/vtable: when drag on header can select cells continuous #2751
🐛 fix
- @visactor/vtable: when markline date less then minDate should not show #2689
- @visactor/vtable: pivot table header icon display incorrect #2735
- @visactor/vtable: parse axes config error when user set axes #2749
- @visactor/vtable: cellType set funciton occor error #2754
- @visactor/vtable: when pivot cell type set chart not data cell render error #2758
- @visactor/vtable: legend problems #2764 #2755
- @visactor/vtable: create task shedule date error #2771
- @visactor/vtable: fix cellLocation in pivot-table #2694
- @visactor/vtable: fix menu scale pos problem #2734
- @visactor/vtable: fix tree frozen row problem #2619
What's Changed
- Main by @fangsmile in #2728
- fix: tab key navigation behavior by @Gijela in #2721
- docs:fix word errors in the document by @shanhexi in #2739
- feat: refactor utils to optimize functionality in vue-vtable by @YELineee in #2731
- [Auto changelog] changlog of v1.10.3 by @github-actions in #2729
- fix: trigger SELECTED_CLEAR event when clicking disable-select cell by @Gijela in #2747
- docs: revise component import example by @fourteendp in #2773
- fix: fix build problem in vue-vtable by @Rui-Sun in #2783
- 2689 bug gantt markline position error by @fangsmile in #2730
- Fix/last row tab not work esc focus by @fangsmile in #2733
- 2735 bug header icon display incorrect by @fangsmile in #2737
- 2749 bug stack no work in vtable by @fangsmile in #2752
- 2701 feature dependency line tree by @fangsmile in #2753
- 2758 bug pivot table celltype chart error by @fangsmile in #2762
- 2754 bug celltype function error by @fangsmile in #2763
- docs: supplement rowSeriesNumber options by @fangsmile in #2765
- 2751 feature darg header select by @fangsmile in #2775
- 2771 bug gantt create schedule by @fangsmile in #2778
- 2764 bug legend scrolling conflicts with table by @fangsmile in #2779
- fix: fix tree frozen row problem #2619 by @Rui-Sun in #2769
- fix: fix menu scale pos problem #2734 by @Rui-Sun in #2767
- fix: fix cellLocation in pivot-table #2694 by @Rui-Sun in #2761
- fix: add indicatorKeys slice in getAxisRange() by @Rui-Sun in #2791
- [Auto release] release 1.10.4 by @github-actions in #2792
New Contributors
- @Gijela made their first contribution in #2721
- @shanhexi made their first contribution in #2739
- @fourteendp made their first contribution in #2773
Full Changelog: v1.10.3...v1.10.4