The package SkyDomes provides a function to calculate the solar radiation on a horizontal surface (for clear skies) as a function of latitude, day of year and time of the day and for different wavebands. In addition, it can generate light sources as required by VirtualPlantLab.jl to simulate the light distribution in a 3D scene.
To install SkyDomes.jl, you can use the following command:
] add SkyDomes
Or, if you prefer the development version:
import Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "", rev = "master")
Use the clear_sky
function to calculate the solar radiation on a horizontal
plane as a function of day of year, latitude (in radians) and the relative solar
time of the day (f = 0
is sunrise, f = 1
is sunset). The function returns
the total solar radiation in W/m² as well as direct and diffuse components. For
using SkyDomes
lat = 52.0*π/180.0 # latitude in radians
DOY = 182
f = 0.5 # solar noon
Ig, Idir, Idif, theta, phi = clear_sky(lat = lat, DOY = DOY, f = f) # W/m2
The values Ig
, Idir
and Idif
are the total, direct and diffuse solar
radiation in W/m². The function waveband_conversion
can be used to convert
these values to specific wavebands (UV, PAR, NIR, blue, green or red) as well
as converting from W/m² to umol/m²/s, assuming particular spectra for
direct and diffuse solar radiation. For example:
f_PAR_dir = waveband_conversion(Itype = :direct, waveband = :PAR, mode = :flux)
Idir_PAR = f_PAR_dir*Idir # PAR in umol/m²/s
f_PAR_dif = waveband_conversion(Itype = :diffuse, waveband = :PAR, mode = :flux)
Idif_PAR = f_PAR_dif*Idif # PAR in umol/m²/s
Once the direct and diffuse solar radiation in the relevant wavebands and units
have been calculated, the function SkyDomes
can be used to generate the light
sources required by VPL to simulate the light distribution in a 3D scene. For
example, a simple horizontal tile (representing soil) in VPL may be created as
using VirtualPlantLab
r = Rectangle(length = 0.5, width = 0.5)
rotatey!(r, -π/2) # To put it in the XY plane
translate!(r, Vec(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))
import GLMakie
A 3D scene requires adding optical properties (e.g., a black material property) and linking these to the mesh (for complicated scenes see VPL documentation for examples):
materials = [Black()]
scene = Scene(mesh = r, material_ids = [1,1], materials = materials)
If we want to compute the amount of solar radiation absorbed by this tile, we
need to create a series of light sources. The function SkyDomes
can be used for
that purpose:
sources = sky(scene,
Idir = Idir_PAR, # Direct solar radiation from above
nrays_dir = 1_000_000, # Number of rays for direct solar radiation
theta_dir = theta, # Solar zenith angle for direct solar radiation
phi_dir = phi, # Solar azimuth angle for direct solar radiation
Idif = Idif_PAR, # Diffuse solar radiation from above
nrays_dif = 10_000_000, # Total number of rays for diffuse solar radiation
sky_model = StandardSky, # Angular distribution of solar radiation
dome_method = equal_solid_angles, # Discretization of the SkyDomes dome
ntheta = 9, # Number of discretization steps in the zenith angle
nphi = 12) # Number of discretization steps in the azimuth angle
render!(sources) # To visualize the dome of light sources
The function takes the scene as input to ensure that light sources scale with
the scene. Direct solar radiation is represented by a single directional light
source that will emit a number of rays given by nrays_dir
. Diffuse solar
radiation is represented by a hemispherical dome of directional light sources
that will emit a total of nrays_dif
rays. The angular distribution of the
diffuse solar radiation and the discretization of the SkyDomes dome can be modified
via dome_method
, sky_model
, ntheta
and nphi
. See API documentation and
VPL documentation for details.
Once the light sources are created, a ray tracing object can be generated combining all the elements above:
settings = RTSettings(parallel = true)
rtobj = RayTracer(scene, sources, settings = settings);
And the ray tracing can be performed by calling the trace!
As expected, the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the tile equals the
total in the scene (Ig
power(materials[1])[1]/area(r) ≈ Idir_PAR + Idif_PAR
See VPL documentation for more details and tutorials on ray tracing simulations
The package is still under development. The following features are planned:
Calculate fraction of direct and diffuse radiation from measurements of actual solar radiation.
Calculate the solar radiation on a tilted surface.
Allow for a different orientation of the 3D scene from VPL.
More advanced algorithms for solar radiation and spectrum.
See Issues for additional features to be implemented.