This arduino sketch implements an ESP32 BLE client for multiple XIaomi Mi Flora Plant sensors, pushing the measurements to an MQTT server.
- ESP32
- Xiaomi Mi Plant Sensor (firmware revision >= 2.6.6)
- MQTT server
- Edit config.h and update setings according to your environment:
- WLAN SSID and password
- MQTT Server address, username, password and topic
- MAC addresses of your Xiaomi Mi Plant sensors
- Open ino sketch in Arduino, compile & upload.
The ESP32 will perform a single connection attempt to the Xiaomi Mi Plant sensors, read the sensor data & push it to the MQTT server. The ESP32 will enter deep sleep mode after 30 seconds (can be configured in config.h) and sleep for one hour (also configurable in config.h), before repeating the exercise... Battery level is read every 12th wakeup (configurable via config.h).
The sketch does not fit into the default arduino parition size of around 1.3MB. You'll need to change your default parition table and increase maximum build size to at least 1.6MB.
Sven Henkel is the original author of the sketch
Many thanks go to the guys at for figuring out the sensor protocol.