Vue 3 library for building Dapps on Ethereum.
- v1: Work in progress, see Discussion#141
Brief versions and functionalities are as follows:
- v0.10.x: Uses ethers v6 and supports WalletConnect v2.
- v0.9.x: Uses ethers v5 and supports WalletConnect v2.
- Before v0.8.x: Uses ethers v5 and does not support WalletConnect v2.
I recommend keeping an eye on vue-dapp-starter, as it strives to maintain a development-friendly version whenever possible.
Please be cautious when using the documentation below, as it hasn't been updated for some time.
yarn add ethers vue-dapp
If you want to support more wallet providers not only MetaMask, you should install respective packages to enable the dynamic import.
- Support WalletConnect
yarn add @walletconnect/web3-provider
- Support Coinbase Wallet
yarn add @coinbase/wallet-sdk
- Support Gnosis Safe
yarn add
Step 1. Add plugin to your app:
import { VueDapp } from "vue-dapp";
const app = createApp(App);
Step 2. By default, VueDapp includes Mainnet
and Goerli
networks, but you can extend it to include other networks:
app.use(VueDapp, {
autoConnect: true, // Automatically connect MetaMask wallet when the page is loaded
networks: {
80001: {
chainId: ethers.utils.hexValue(80001),
blockExplorerUrls: [''],
chainName: 'Mumbai',
rpcUrls: [''],
nativeCurrency: {
name: 'Mumbai',
decimals: 18,
symbol: 'MATIC',
42161: {
For more examples please check:
Step 3. Add <vd-board />
to your App.vue
and add a button to open the board:
<button @click="open">Connect Wallet</button>
<vd-board :connectors="connectors" dark />
Step 4. Construct your connectors and use composable functions in your scripts:
import {
} from "vue-dapp";
setup() {
const { open } = useBoard();
const infuraId = "";
const connectors = [
new MetaMaskConnector({
appUrl: "http://localhost:3000",
new WalletConnectConnector({
qrcode: true,
rpc: {
1: `${infuraId}`,
4: `${infuraId}`,
new CoinbaseWalletConnector({
appName: "Vue Dapp",
jsonRpcUrl: `${infuraId}`,
return {
Take a look at Configurations for more informations about Vue CLI, Vite, and Nuxt3 configurations.
To see the demo code, check it out here.
Gitcoin Grants 18:
Copyright (c) 2021-present, Johnson Chen (@chnejohnson)