Recommended Branch - release-4.9.0
Kindly mail back to sunbird to get the starter kit Which consists of two files: a) google-services.json - To be Copied at the root of the project b) - To be Copied into buildConfig/ folder
NPM Version - above 6
Node Version - 14 (Recommended)
Cordova Version - 9 (Recommended)
1. Ionic-Android build Setup
- Install java
- Install Gradle
- Install Android Studio
- After Android studio installation, install SDK
- Open Android studio and goto settings/appearance and behavior/system settings/Android SDK
- Install appropriate Android sdk platform package.
- Add environment variables in ~/.bashrc
or ~/.bash_profile
as follows
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=path_to_sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools
- Reference:
CLI Setup
- `npm install -g ionic`
- `npm install -g cordova`
2. Project Setup
- git clone the repo(
- Rename
file to
and put all the valid credentials and api endpoint.
- Go to project folder and run npm i
- Run ./
3. Onboarding/Tabs Configuration Onboarding steps and Tabs can be configured via this configuration settings.
Onboarding Configurations
Name | Description | Options |
Language Selection | User should select their prefered language | To skip language selection, set skip as false and provide default values |
User Role Selection | User should select their role | If want to skip User Type selection, set skip as false and provide default user type |
Profile Settings | User should set their profile by choosing their framework fields | Provide deafult profile values to skip profile settings page |
District Maping | Here user need to provide details related to their location | To skip this page deafult location values are required |
"onboarding": [
"name": "language-setting",
"skip": false,
"default": {
"code": "en",
"label": "English"
"onboarding": [
"name": "user-type-selection",
"skip": false,
"default": "teacher"
"onboarding": [
"name": "profile-settings",
"skip": false,
"default": {
"syllabus": [
"board": [
"medium": [
"grade": [
"onboarding": [
"name": "district-mapping",
"skip": false,
"default": {
"state": "Andaman & Nicobar Islands",
"stateId": "83h3u832ui4",
"district": "Nicobars",
"districtId": "aef899d41"
Tabs Page COnfigurations
Configure the tabs page according to the requirement. Fllowing are the configurable settings for tabs.
"tabs": [
"root": "home",
"name": "home",
"icon": {
"active": "assets/imgs/tab_home_selected.svg",
"inactive": "assets/imgs/tab_home.svg",
"disabled": "assets/imgs/ic_home.png"
"label": "TAB_HOME",
"index": 2,
"isSelected": true,
"is_visable": true,
"disabled": false,
"theme": "NEW",
"status": "ALL",
"userTypeAdmin": true
Property | Description | Value |
root |
On which page the tab should be shown. | home |
name |
Name given to the tab | home |
icon |
Different icons for respective events. i.e when the tab is selected, not seleted and disabled. | Object with path to the respectivr icons |
label |
Label name to displayed for the tab | 'TAB_NAME' |
index |
At which position the tab should be displayed | numeric value ex: 2 shows at 2 position in order |
isSelected |
Wheather the tab should be selected by deafult | Boolean value ex: true default selected |
is_visable |
To display the tab or not | Boolean value |
disabled |
If true , tab is displayed, but can't select |
Boolean. |
is_visable |
To display the tab or not | Boolean value |
theme |
Theme on which the tab should be displayed(If there are multiple theme for the app available) | name of theme for which tab has to be displayed |
status |
To display to a spefic user criteria | ex: 'logIn' will show to logged in users only |
userTypeAdmin |
Wheather to show for only Admin users | Boolean value |
4. How to build apk
- To check attached devices do adb devices
- npm run ionic-build
(Make sure you have attached device)
- ionic cordova run android --prod
- Apk location project_folder/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/staging/debug/apk_name.apk
5. How to debug apk
- Open chrome and enter chrome://inspect
- Select app
1. Node js version 10.18.1
2. Ionic 5.4.16 using `npm i [email protected] -g`
3. Cordova 9.0.0 using `npm i [email protected] -g`
4. cordova-res 0.15.3 - using `npm install -g cordova-res`
5. ios-deploy 1.11.4 - using `brew install ios-deploy`
all of the above should be installed globally
Xcode 12.4 Build version 12D4e or above
1. Checkout sunbird-sdk repo from with branch release-3.9.0-ios
2. cd to <sunbird-mobile-sdk> && npm i && npm run build:prod
3. Checkout sunbird-mobile-app repo from with branch release-3.9.0-ios
4. Add `GoogleService-Info.plist` file
5. cd to <sunbird-mobile-app> local path
6. RUN npm i <sunbird-sdk repo local path>/dist
7. RUN npm i
8. RUN ./
9. RUN cordova emulate ios
- error: Value for SWIFT_VERSION cannot be empty. (in target 'Sunbird' from project 'Sunbird') or Duplicate GoogleService-Info.plist file error
open platforms/ios/Sunbird.xcworkspace
Select Sunbird
Build setting Project, targets
update Swift language version to 4
Inside Tagets -> Build phases -> Copy Bundle Resources -> remove duplicate GoogleService-Info.plist if present
and close Xcode then rerun the **cordova emulate ios**