This git repository contains the Text2Picto scripts in their latest version (Vandeghinste et al 2015; Sevens 2018). The databases in which the pictographs are linked with the synsets (Vandeghinste & Schuurman 2014) are not included, neither are the pictographs. Live demo and links to more publications and talks
- Leen Sevens (2018). "Words Divide, Pictographs Unite: Pictograph Communication Technologies for People with an Intellectual Disability." PhD thesis. LOT.
- Vincent Vandeghinste, Ineke Schuurman, Leen Sevens and Frank Van Eynde (2015). "Translating Text into Pictographs". Natural Language Engineering.
- Vincent Vandeghinste and Ineke Schuurman (2014). "Linking Pictographs to Synsets: Sclera2Cornetto". LREC 2014. Reykjavik, Iceland.