This git repository contains the Text2Picto scripts in their latest version (Vandeghinste et al 2015; Sevens 2018). The databases in which the pictographs are linked with the synsets (Vandeghinste & Schuurman 2014) are not included, neither are the pictographs. Live demo and links to more publications and talks
- Leen Sevens (2018). "Words Divide, Pictographs Unite: Pictograph Communication Technologies for People with an Intellectual Disability." PhD thesis. LOT.
- Vincent Vandeghinste, Ineke Schuurman, Leen Sevens and Frank Van Eynde (2015). "Translating Text into Pictographs". Natural Language Engineering.
- Vincent Vandeghinste and Ineke Schuurman (2014). "Linking Pictographs to Synsets: Sclera2Cornetto". LREC 2014. Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Magali Norré (2025). "Traduction automatique du français vers les pictogrammes pour améliorer la communication entre médecins et patients avec une déficience intellectuelle en milieu hospitalier". PhD thesis.
- Magali Norré, Trang Tran Hanh Pham, Pierrette Bouillon, Vincent Vandeghinste and Thomas François (2024). "Évaluation de la traduction en pictogrammes pour la communication médecin-patient par des adultes avec une déficience intellectuelle". In Actes de la 13e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance. Handicap 2024 : Des solutions personnalisées pour des besoins spécifiques, pages 181–186, Paris, France. IFRATH.
- Magali Norré, Rémi Cardon, Vincent Vandeghinste and Thomas François (2023). "Word Sense Disambiguation for Automatic Translation of Medical Dialogues into Pictographs". In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2023), pages 803–812, Varna, Bulgaria. INCOMA Ltd.
- Magali Norré, Vincent Vandeghinste, Thomas François and Pierrette Bouillon (2022). "Investigating the Medical Coverage of a Translation System into Pictographs for Patients with an Intellectual Disability". In Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT 2022), pages 44–49, Dublin, Ireland. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Magali Norré, Vincent Vandeghinste, Pierrette Bouillon and Thomas François (2021). "Extending a Text-to-Pictograph System to French and to Arasaac". In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021), pages 1050–1059. INCOMA Ltd.
- Magali Norré, Vincent Vandeghinste, Pierrette Bouillon and Thomas François (2021). "Experiments for the Adaptation of Text2Picto to French". In Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN31).
All data of the French Text2Picto (tables of the database, corpora of pictograph language, results of automatic text simplification with large language models and translation in Arasaac pictographs, transcripts of two user studies including 19 adults with an intellectual disability):
- Magali Norré (2025). Corpus - Textes en Pictogrammes - Adultes avec une Déficience Intellectuelle [Corpus]. ORTOLANG (Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage) -, v1,