This is fork of repository( with minor modifications for German language.
Set up instructions: Conda environment setup:
Following are the list of commands to be used to get the environment ready for the project:
1.conda create --name NER_py python=2.7
2.conda activate NER_py
3.conda install theano
4.conda install -c mila-udem pygpu
Note: Neither in paper or in github I was able to find exact settings/hyper-parameters used for German language for SOTA results
For German data set, A small change in at line number: 15 is necessary. We need to use codecs of type "latin-1" because of German special letters.
The dataset used is from the below link:
Files used:
The raw files are converted to txt files as required by the project.
- Training: deu.train --> deu_training.txt
- Development: --> deu_dev.txt
- Test: deu.testa --> deu_testa.txt
Command to trigger the training on GPU:
THEANO_FLAGS='device=cuda,floatX=float32' python --train deu_training.txt --dev deu_dev.txt --test deu_testa.txt
Results German:
Log File:
For default setting as in the github, the Network was able to achieve FB1 of 66.30 for 100 epocs!
accuracy: 94.44%; precision: 73.46%; recall: 60.42%; FB1: 66.30
LOC: precision: 75.98%; recall: 63.76%; FB1: 69.34 991
MISC: precision: 68.74%; recall: 57.92%; FB1: 62.87 851
ORG: precision: 77.97%; recall: 55.04%; FB1: 64.53 876
PER: precision: 71.52%; recall: 64.17%; FB1: 67.64 1257 \
Experiments with hyper-parameters:\
Change word embedding sizxe to 200 from 100 and LSTM size to 200 from 100 for Tokens.\ Log File::
Results as of 29 Epocs. Network achieved FB1 score of : 66.07000\ -
Use settings mentioned in paper: Learning rate of 0.01 and Token embedding size of 64.
Log File::
Result as of 28 Epocs. Network achieved FB1 score of : 67.48000
accuracy: 94.54%; precision: 74.58%; recall: 61.62%; FB1: 67.48
LOC: precision: 78.22%; recall: 65.37%; FB1: 71.22 987
MISC: precision: 79.24%; recall: 51.39%; FB1: 62.34 655
ORG: precision: 71.60%; recall: 58.50%; FB1: 64.39 1014
PER: precision: 71.88%; recall: 68.59%; FB1: 70.20 1337\
For English data set, A small change in at line number: 15 is necessary. We need to use codecs of type "utf8"
Log File::
The data set is from the below link:
Files used:
- Training: train.txt
- Development: dev.txt
- Test: test.txt Command to trigger the training on GPU:
THEANO_FLAGS='device=cuda,floatX=float32' python --train train.txt --dev valid.txt --test test.txt
Results English:
FB1 score of about 83.35
accuracy: 96.55%; precision: 85.58%; recall: 81.23%; FB1: 83.35
LOC: precision: 89.54%; recall: 85.67%; FB1: 87.56 1596
MISC: precision: 80.50%; recall: 73.50%; FB1: 76.84 641
ORG: precision: 79.96%; recall: 77.84%; FB1: 78.89 1617
PER: precision: 89.58%; recall: 83.49%; FB1: 86.43 1507\