This is the website that should run on
in the future. It is fully open <3 source.
It is still at an early stage and is far from being done.
Color | Name |
#fdf9ff |
--background--light |
#f2f2fc |
--background--darker |
#302e4d |
--heading |
#504e70 |
--text |
#7d7d7d |
--small-text |
#72b626 |
--accent-color |
#e8dfec |
--borders |
Color | Name |
#161616 |
--background--light |
#252525 |
--background--darker |
#ffffff |
--heading |
#e9e9e9 |
--text |
#7d7d7d |
--small-text |
#72b626 |
--accent-color |
#393939 |
--borders |
You are welcome to contribute to the project, or fork it and make your own version of it.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0