- NUCLEO-G474RE_FMAC_Adaptive_FIR_AN5305 = first try but did not proceed, just print out data of 2 tones
- NUCLEO-G474RE_FMAC_FIR_DMAToIT = no activiry
- NUCLEO-G474RE_FMAC_FIR_PollingToIT = modify to printout data after FMAC, added waveforms, added excel plot and analysis
- Added this readme
- Added waveforms on the duration of each codes
- Tests are done on NUCLEO-G474RE_FMAC_FIR_PollingToIT
- Use HSE instead of HSI
- Use aCalculatedFilteredData1 and aCalculatedFilteredData2 and append data
- Offset the signal so all of it are positive and no negative before feeding to the FMAC
- changed GAIN to 0, GAIN = 1
- Filter using Low Pass and High Pass
- Exported to excel and graphs
- uploaded excel waveforms
- Added Sine1k_15k from NUCLEO-G474RE_2tonegenerator and check if still can apply filter.
Initially worked on original data of AC signal Integer input then converted to Float. This is not necessary as FMAC will process Q15
Input conveted to Float
Input FFT using excel and some arbitrary sampling rate
Low pass filter coeffs
Low pass filter output
High pass filter coeffs
High pass filter output
Very low pass filter coeffs
Very low pass filter
Now add DC offset to simulate input going to the ADC pin like a voltage feedback where input is only positive, These data are not converted to float and all are Q15
Input Integer w/ offset. Signals are 2 frequencies
Low pass filter coeffs
Low pass filter output, high frequency signal is removed
Low pass filter output calculated FFT using excel
High pass filter coeffs
High pass filter output, low frequency signal is removed
High pass filter output calculated FFT using excel
Sine1k_15k input Line
Sine1k_15k input Bar
Sine1k_15k output HPF
Sine1k_15k output LPF
STM32F429I-DISC1_FIR_FFT_wth_Print Project
Use of FMAC for Real Time FIR/IIR Filter
Disclaimer: Updated Disclaimer
The projects posted here are for my Personal reference, learning and educational purposes only. The purpose of a certain project may be for testing a module and may be just a part of a whole project. It should not be used in a production or commercial environment. Any cause of injury and/or death is the sole responsibility of the user.