Bug Fixes
Changed loader back to use loader and not default
rely on path for loading config files to allow overrides and use path helper (608d1476 )
instantiate class properties from within constructor (798e4104 )
changed build process to generate TypeScript definition files and more. (f4db5f9e )
removing core-js dependency (ccb31f76 )
build: Build src for update to environment selectors (4388dac6 )
remove weakmaps so we can have a polyfill free class (346faf92 )
parse data response as JSON (e2a9a834 )
updating and fixing out-of-date dependencies (75583c6d )
updating Aurelia dependencies again and fixing config.js file (b5a33032 )
updating dependencies to beta versions for Aurelia and other dev deps (5dd4eda0 )
environment-selection: Update environment selection (ac2c5c33 )
jspm: dependency was removed from Jspm section when Webpack fixes were applied. (2a785d3d )
npm: update npm main (694cf6f0 )
package: change JSPM registry format to Github (4e54b748 )
syntax: simplifying ternary and removing redundant assignments. (caaf7d56 )
tasks: remove linting from prepare release task (75356786 )
configure: use the Aurelia loader dependency to load configuration files instead of HTTP (2b9a8144 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.