The example android app that laverages the Vertabelo Mobile ORM to add and manage places in the SQLite database.
The app does the following:
- Displays a list of places retrieved from the SQLite database,
- Enables to perform sorting and filtering operations,
- Shows details of the selected item with possibility to edit/delete it.
For connection to database stands listed below main components:
- orm package – generated Java classes that maps the database model and classes with defined operations for creating, reading, updating and deleting objects in/from a database.
- class that is responsible for managing places (insert, delete, update, select)TagsManager
– class that handles inserting, deleting tags.AddressManager
– class that manages countries and cities associated with the places.
- min Android SDK: 15
- Gradle 2.5
To find more information on how to use Vertabelo Mobile ORM, visit: