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Generate SVG and PNG files for PlantUML diagrams using a local PlantUML .jar, with a --watch feature.


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Plantuml Diagrams

Plantuml Diagrams is a Ruby gem that processes PlantUML files and generates images based on the diagrams. It includes a command-line interface (CLI) using Thor to specify the location of the input files, the output location for the generated images, and other parameters.


We're using Markdown files directly within Git repositories for all the ITSM documentation related to our workloads. Not just code documentation, but also design documentation, playbooks, runbooks. We need to incorporate a lot of diagrams into our documentation. GitHub supports embedding Mermaid.js diagrams directly into GitHub-flavored Markdown, but PlantUML is a lot more powerful. I started by manually generating PNG files using a PlantUML live editor. Then I progressed to Jupyter notebook that ran a local PlantUML .jar to generate PNG files for me in VS Code. Then I made that into a simple Python script and got rid of Jupyter. Our projects mostly use Ruby code on the backend, so then I ported it to Ruby. And I want to use the same code in lots of projects, so I made it into a reusable gem.

The --watch feature is handy during development. Your live preview in VS Code will update automatically whenever you change any Markdown file or your PlantUML diagrams. That's powerful stuff, for a documentation author.


Install the gem using Bundler:

$ bundle add plantuml_diagrams

If you are not using Bundler, you can install the gem by running:

$ gem install plantuml_diagrams



To render the diagrams, you'll need to install Java.


And then you'll also need PlantUML. You can download the .jar file by running the following command:

$ bundle exec plantuml_diagrams download_jar

This command downloads the PlantUML .jar file and saves it in the expected location within the gem.

Alternatively, you can manually download the .jar file from and place it in the appropriate location.


Some diagrams also require Graphviz.


To generate diagrams from PlantUML files, run the following command:

$ plantuml_diagrams process [OPTIONS]

By default, this command will look for PlantUML files in the lib directory of the gem and save the generated images in the images directory of the gem. The generated images will be in PNG and SVG format.


The following options can be used to customize the behavior of the process command:

  • -j, --jar: Path to the PlantUML jar file. Default is the plantuml.jar file located in the lib directory of the gem.
  • -i, --input: Path to the folder containing PlantUML files. Default is the lib directory of the gem.
  • -o, --output: Path to the folder where generated images will be saved. Default is the images directory of the gem.
  • -n, --name: Process only diagrams with file names matching this argument.
  • -d, --display: Display generated images.
  • -w, --watch: Continuously watch for changes to the file(s).


To generate diagrams from all the PlantUML files in the current directory and its subdirectories, run:

$ plantuml_diagrams process

To generate diagrams only for files whose names include the string "class", run:

$ plantuml_diagrams process -n class

To continuously watch for changes in the input files and regenerate the images, run:

$ plantuml_diagrams process -w


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test-unit to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/plantuml_diagrams.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Generate SVG and PNG files for PlantUML diagrams using a local PlantUML .jar, with a --watch feature.







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  • Ruby 98.0%
  • Shell 2.0%