A custom component to get the readings of a Kostal Piko inverter NOT the Plenticore inverter
Since the component is based on web scraping from the web server interface, your web server should look like this. You can try like this
Otherwise it will not work
- platform: kostal
host: !secret kostal_host
username: !secret kostal_username
password: !secret kostal_password
- solar_generator_power # only available when using a BA sensor
- consumption_phase_1 # only available when using a BA sensor
- consumption_phase_2 # only available when using a BA sensor
- consumption_phase_3 # only available when using a BA sensor
- current_power
- total_energy
- daily_energy
- string1_voltage
- string1_current
- string2_voltage
- string2_current
- l1_voltage
- l1_power
- l2_voltage
- l2_power
- l3_voltage
- l3_power