Enables the user to control depth testing, depth writing and face culling in LÖVE so they can render 3D objects and scenes. This is a very stripped down version that only aims at providing the end user with the most basic, necessary control over LÖVE's GL state so they properly control how 3D meshes are rendered.
local l3d = require "love3d"
function renderer_initialize()
-- Here we enable depth testing and writing
-- We can use l3d.new_canvas() to create a canvas table that holds both color and depth data
-- It can be passed into love.graphics.setCanvas()
local canvas = l3d.new_canvas(1920, 1080, { rgba8, depth24 }, 0)
function renderer_draw()
-- And with these functions we can enable or disable, or just modify depth testing or depth writing individually
-- We can also cull faces accordingly. LÖVE uses the default OpenGL face winding (which is CCW)