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Install-Package SharpSource
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<PackageReference Include="SharpSource" Version="1.27.1" PrivateAssets="All" />
If you would like to install it as an extension instead, download it from the marketplace.
This repo houses a collection of analyzers that aim to make some language features and framework types easier to work with. It does this by highlighting when you might be using something incorrectly in a way that would result in suboptimal performance, runtime exceptions or general unintended behaviour.
In other words, this repo only contains analyzers for patterns that have a concrete potential to turn into a defect ticket. It is not intended to help with general housekeeping tasks like formatting your code or providing productivity helpers.
Interested in contributing? Take a look at the guidelines!
Detailed explanations of each analyzer can be found in the documentation:
Code | Name |
SS001 | AsyncMethodWithVoidReturnType |
SS002 | DateTimeNow |
SS003 | DivideIntegerByInteger |
SS004 | ElementaryMethodsOfTypeInCollectionNotOverridden |
SS005 | EqualsAndGetHashcodeNotImplementedTogether |
SS006 | ThrowNull |
SS007 | FlagsEnumValuesAreNotPowersOfTwo |
SS008 | GetHashCodeRefersToMutableMember |
SS009 | LoopedRandomInstantiation |
SS010 | NewGuid |
SS011 | OnPropertyChangedWithoutNameofOperator |
SS012 | RecursiveOperatorOverload |
SS013 | RethrowExceptionWithoutLosingStacktrace |
SS014 | StringDotFormatWithDifferentAmountOfArguments |
SS015 | StringPlaceholdersInWrongOrder |
SS017 | StructWithoutElementaryMethodsOverridden |
SS018 | SwitchDoesNotHandleAllEnumOptions |
SS019 | SwitchIsMissingDefaultLabel |
SS020 | TestMethodWithoutPublicModifier |
SS021 | TestMethodWithoutTestAttribute |
SS022 | ExceptionThrownFromImplicitOperator |
SS023 | ExceptionThrownFromPropertyGetter |
SS024 | ExceptionThrownFromStaticConstructor |
SS025 | ExceptionThrownFromFinallyBlock |
SS026 | ExceptionThrownFromEqualityOperator |
SS027 | ExceptionThrownFromDispose |
SS028 | ExceptionThrownFromFinalizer |
SS029 | ExceptionThrownFromGetHashCode |
SS030 | ExceptionThrownFromEquals |
SS032 | ThreadSleepInAsyncMethod |
SS033 | AsyncOverloadsAvailable |
SS034 | AccessingTaskResultWithoutAwait |
SS035 | SynchronousTaskWait |
SS036 | ExplicitEnumValues |
SS037 | HttpClientInstantiatedDirectly |
SS038 | HttpContextStoredInField |
SS039 | EnumWithoutDefaultValue |
SS040 | UnusedResultOnImmutableObject |
SS041 | UnnecessaryEnumerableMaterialization |
SS042 | InstanceFieldWithThreadStatic |
SS043 | MultipleFromBodyParameters |
SS044 | AttributeMustSpecifyAttributeUsage |
SS045 | StaticInitializerAccessedBeforeInitialization |
SS046 | UnboundedStackalloc |
SS047 | LinqTraversalBeforeFilter |
SS048 | LockingOnDiscouragedObject |
SS049 | ComparingStringsWithoutStringComparison |
SS050 | ParameterAssignedInConstructor |
SS051 | LockingOnMutableReference |
SS052 | ThreadStaticWithInitializer |
SS053 | PointlessCollectionToString |
SS054 | NewtonsoftMixedWithSystemTextJson |
SS055 | MultipleOrderByCalls |
SS056 | FormReadSynchronously |
SS057 | CollectionManipulatedDuringTraversal |
SS058 | StringConcatenatedInLoop |
SS059 | DisposeAsyncDisposable |
SS060 | ConcurrentDictionaryEmptyCheck |
Is a particular rule not to your liking? There are many ways to adjust their severity and even disable them altogether. For an overview of some of the options, check out this document.