Ranking-Trees Multicriteria Algorithm (https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DTA-07-2020-0161/full/html)
Examples in the file "main.py". Clone this repository and keep the "electre" & "promethee "folders and "main.py" in the same directory.
Or try it in Colab:
a) ELECTRE II ( Colab Demo )
b) ELECTRE III ( Colab Demo )
c) ELECTRE IV ( Colab Demo )
d) PROMETHEE I ( Colab Demo )
e) PROMETHEE II ( Colab Demo )
f) PROMETHEE III ( Colab Demo )
g) PROMETHEE IV ( Colab Demo )
Other MCDA Methods
- pyDecision - A library for many MCDA methods
- pyMissingAHP - A Method to Infer AHP Missing Pairwise Comparisons
- 3MOAHP - Inconsistency Reduction Technique for AHP and Fuzzy-AHP Methods
- ELECTRE-Tree - Algorithm to infer the ELECTRE Tri-B method parameters