This project uses Ruby on Rails and several APIs (ReliefWeb:, CharityNavigator:, PandaPay:, GoogleMaps:, and Twitter: to build a site that allows users to view information about natural disasters around the world, select an associated charity, make a donation, and view all donations that they have made. Users are able to log in locally and through Twitter oauth and tweet about their donation. Brought to you by Adam Lusk.
To use this site, visit here
If you're interested in using this in your own project, fork and clone this repository.
From the root directory, run bundle install
Next, initialize the database rake db:{install, migrate, seed}
Finally, open a rails server
and open http://localhost:3000/ on any browser.
Run rspec
to run the test suite
ruby 2.4.1
rails 5.1.6
Improve the charity search algorithm by adding more search parameters
Add filtering ability for disasters so user can search by type, number, country, etc.
Add ability for users to search for charities without associating a disaster
Add welcome email and email to thank user for donation
Background workers for emails