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David Zhu edited this page Mar 25, 2024 · 6 revisions

Year Plan

Sprint Structure

Ticket Lifecycle

Step 1. Pick a ticket from the board

To start working on a ticket, head to the project board under Current Sprint and pick a ticket from the To Do section image

Open up the ticket and assign yourself. image

Step 2. Creating a branch

To start working on a ticket, you need to create a branch. This is where all your changes will be made.

To create a branch, use git checkout -b <UABC-123-your-branch-name>

Where 123 describes the ticket number that you are working on and your-branch-name is an appropriate name that describes the ticket. Note that the branch name should be lowercase and hyphenated.

Step 3. Committing your changes

Once you have made some changes, you can make your commits to save your changes. You will first need to stage all changes, commit, and then push to remote. You can either do this through the VSCode interface, GitHub Desktop, or with your CLI.

Through VSCode:

Stage all changes

Enter a commit message and commit

Push changes to remote

Through CLI:

Use git add . to stage all changes, git commit -m "message" to commit changes, and git push -u origin <branch> (where <branch> is the name of your branch) to push changes to remote.

Note that once you set the upstream branch with git push -u origin <branch>, you can just use git push with consecutive pushes.


Step 4: Create a Pull Request

To submit your changes for approval, you have to create a pull request. To do this, open up to Pull Requests tab


Select your branch as the compare branch


and in the description, enter closes #112. Replace the number 112 with your ticket number. This links your ticket to the PR.


You should see in the sidebar that the PR is now linked to the issue


Step 5: Merging your changes

Once you have committed all desired changes, get someone else to review your code. This should be someone who has not worked on the branch before so we can identify any coding mistakes.


If all status checks pass, congrats! You can now merge your code!