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BUG: Fix edge cases in profiles calculations (Fixes #902)
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By not including the LCL in the profiles used in calculations, some odd
corner cases result where, e.g., the intersection points with the
ambient profile change. It also has an impact in cape/cin calculations.
Refactor profile handling to explicitly work with a profile that
includes the LCL and expose this as an API function.
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dopplershift committed Aug 27, 2018
1 parent eb60959 commit abcb7e9
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Showing 3 changed files with 140 additions and 20 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions docs/_templates/overrides/metpy.calc.rst
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Mathematical Functions
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Expand All @@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ calc

.. autosummary::
:toctree: ./

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43 changes: 42 additions & 1 deletion metpy/calc/tests/
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mixed_parcel, mixing_ratio, mixing_ratio_from_relative_humidity,
mixing_ratio_from_specific_humidity, moist_lapse,
moist_static_energy, most_unstable_cape_cin, most_unstable_parcel,
parcel_profile, potential_temperature,
parcel_profile, parcel_profile_with_lcl, potential_temperature,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,6 +140,25 @@ def test_parcel_profile():
assert_array_almost_equal(prof, true_prof, 2)

def test_parcel_profile_lcl():
"""Test parcel profile with lcl calculation."""
p = np.array([1004., 1000., 943., 928., 925., 850., 839., 749., 700., 699.]) * units.hPa
t = np.array([24.2, 24., 20.2, 21.6, 21.4, 20.4, 20.2, 14.4, 13.2, 13.]) * units.degC
td = np.array([21.9, 22.1, 19.2, 20.5, 20.4, 18.4, 17.4, 8.4, -2.8, -3.0]) * units.degC

true_prof = np.array([297.35, 297.01, 294.5, 293.48, 292.92, 292.81, 289.79, 289.32,
285.15, 282.59, 282.53]) * units.kelvin
true_p = np.insert(p.m, 2, 970.699) * units.mbar
true_t = np.insert(t.m, 2, 22.047) * units.degC
true_td = np.insert(td.m, 2, 20.609) * units.degC

pressure, temp, dewp, prof = parcel_profile_with_lcl(p, t, td)
assert_almost_equal(pressure, true_p, 3)
assert_almost_equal(temp, true_t, 3)
assert_almost_equal(dewp, true_td, 3)
assert_array_almost_equal(prof, true_prof, 2)

def test_parcel_profile_saturated():
"""Test parcel_profile works when LCL in levels (issue #232)."""
levels = np.array([1000., 700., 500.]) * units.mbar
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,6 +314,28 @@ def test_lfc_equals_lcl():
assert_almost_equal(lfc_temp, 15.8714 * units.celsius, 2)

def test_sensitive_sounding():
"""Test quantities for a sensitive sounding (#902)."""
# This sounding has a very small positive area in the low level. It's only captured
# properly if the parcel profile includes the LCL, otherwise it breaks LFC and CAPE
p = units.Quantity([1004., 1000., 943., 928., 925., 850., 839., 749., 700., 699.,
603., 500., 404., 400., 363., 306., 300., 250., 213., 200.,
176., 150.], 'hectopascal')
t = units.Quantity([24.2, 24., 20.2, 21.6, 21.4, 20.4, 20.2, 14.4, 13.2, 13., 6.8, -3.3,
-13.1, -13.7, -17.9, -25.5, -26.9, -37.9, -46.7, -48.7, -52.1, -58.9],
td = units.Quantity([21.9, 22.1, 19.2, 20.5, 20.4, 18.4, 17.4, 8.4, -2.8, -3.0, -15.2,
-20.3, -29.1, -27.7, -24.9, -39.5, -41.9, -51.9, -60.7, -62.7, -65.1,
-71.9], 'degC')
lfc_pressure, lfc_temp = lfc(p, t, td)
assert_almost_equal(lfc_pressure, 947.476 * units.mbar, 2)
assert_almost_equal(lfc_temp, 20.498 * units.degC, 2)

pos, neg = surface_based_cape_cin(p, t, td)
assert_almost_equal(pos, 0.112 * units('J/kg'), 3)
assert_almost_equal(neg, -6.075 * units('J/kg'), 3)

def test_lfc_sfc_precision():
"""Test LFC when there are precision issues with the parcel path."""
levels = np.array([839., 819.4, 816., 807., 790.7, 763., 736.2,
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110 changes: 94 additions & 16 deletions metpy/calc/
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Expand Up @@ -350,8 +350,11 @@ def lfc(pressure, temperature, dewpt, parcel_temperature_profile=None):
# Default to surface parcel if no profile or starting pressure level is given
if parcel_temperature_profile is None:
parcel_temperature_profile = parcel_profile(pressure, temperature[0],
new_stuff = parcel_profile_with_lcl(pressure, temperature, dewpt)
pressure, temperature, _, parcel_temperature_profile = new_stuff
temperature ='degC')
parcel_temperature_profile ='degC')

# The parcel profile and data have the same first data point, so we ignore
# that point to get the real first intersection for the LFC calculation.
x, y = find_intersections(pressure[1:], parcel_temperature_profile[1:],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,8 +416,11 @@ def el(pressure, temperature, dewpt, parcel_temperature_profile=None):
# Default to surface parcel if no profile or starting pressure level is given
if parcel_temperature_profile is None:
parcel_temperature_profile = parcel_profile(pressure, temperature[0],
new_stuff = parcel_profile_with_lcl(pressure, temperature, dewpt)
pressure, temperature, _, parcel_temperature_profile = new_stuff
temperature ='degC')
parcel_temperature_profile ='degC')

# If the top of the sounding parcel is warmer than the environment, there is no EL
if parcel_temperature_profile[-1] > temperature[-1]:
return np.nan * pressure.units, np.nan * temperature.units
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,27 +462,99 @@ def parcel_profile(pressure, temperature, dewpt):
lcl, moist_lapse, dry_lapse
_, _, _, t_l, _, t_u = _parcel_profile_helper(pressure, temperature, dewpt)
return concatenate((t_l, t_u))

@check_units('[pressure]', '[temperature]', '[temperature]')
def parcel_profile_with_lcl(pressure, temperature, dewpt):
r"""Calculate the profile a parcel takes through the atmosphere.
The parcel starts at `temperature`, and `dewpt`, lifted up
dry adiabatically to the LCL, and then moist adiabatically from there.
`pressure` specifies the pressure levels for the profile. This function returns
a profile that includes the LCL.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric pressure level(s) of interest. The first entry should be the starting
point pressure.
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric temperature at the levels in `pressure`. The first entry should be the
starting point temperature.
dewpt : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric dew point at the levels in `pressure`. The first entry should be the
starting dew point.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
The parcel profile pressures, which includes the specified levels and the LCL
ambient_temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric temperature values, including the value interpolated to the LCL level
ambient_dew_point : `pint.Quantity`
The atmospheric dew point values, including the value interpolated to the LCL level
profile_temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The parcel profile temperatures at all of the levels in the returned pressures array,
including the LCL.
See Also
lcl, moist_lapse, dry_lapse, parcel_profile
p_l, p_lcl, p_u, t_l, t_lcl, t_u = _parcel_profile_helper(pressure, temperature[0],
new_press = concatenate((p_l, p_lcl, p_u))
prof_temp = concatenate((t_l, t_lcl, t_u))
new_temp = _insert_lcl_level(pressure, temperature, p_lcl)
new_dewp = _insert_lcl_level(pressure, dewpt, p_lcl)
return new_press, new_temp, new_dewp, prof_temp

def _parcel_profile_helper(pressure, temperature, dewpt):
"""Help calculate parcel profiles.
Returns the temperature and pressure, above, below, and including the LCL. The
other calculation functions decide what to do with the pieces.
# Find the LCL
lcl_pressure, _ = lcl(pressure[0], temperature, dewpt)
lcl_pressure =
press_lcl, temp_lcl = lcl(pressure[0], temperature, dewpt)
press_lcl =

# Find the dry adiabatic profile, *including* the LCL. We need >= the LCL in case the
# LCL is included in the levels. It's slightly redundant in that case, but simplifies
# the logic for removing it later.
press_lower = concatenate((pressure[pressure >= lcl_pressure], lcl_pressure))
t1 = dry_lapse(press_lower, temperature)
press_lower = concatenate((pressure[pressure >= press_lcl], press_lcl))
temp_lower = dry_lapse(press_lower, temperature)

# If the pressure profile doesn't make it to the lcl, we can stop here
if _greater_or_close(np.nanmin(pressure), lcl_pressure.m):
return t1[:-1]
if _greater_or_close(np.nanmin(pressure), press_lcl.m):
return (press_lower[:-1], press_lcl, np.array([]) * press_lower.units,
temp_lower[:-1], temp_lcl, np.array([]) * temp_lower.units)

# Find moist pseudo-adiabatic profile starting at the LCL
press_upper = concatenate((lcl_pressure, pressure[pressure < lcl_pressure]))
t2 = moist_lapse(press_upper, t1[-1]).to(t1.units)
press_upper = concatenate((press_lcl, pressure[pressure < press_lcl]))
temp_upper = moist_lapse(press_upper, temp_lower[-1]).to(temp_lower.units)

# Return profile pieces
return (press_lower[:-1], press_lcl, press_upper[1:],
temp_lower[:-1], temp_lcl, temp_upper[1:])

def _insert_lcl_level(pressure, temperature, lcl_pressure):
"""Insert the LCL pressure into the profile."""
interp_temp = interpolate_1d(lcl_pressure, pressure, temperature)

# Return LCL *without* the LCL point
return concatenate((t1[:-1], t2[1:]))
# Pressure needs to be increasing for searchsorted, so flip it and then convert
# the index back to the original array
loc = pressure.size - pressure[::-1].searchsorted(lcl_pressure)
return np.insert(temperature.m, loc, interp_temp.m) * temperature.units

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1571,8 +1649,8 @@ def surface_based_cape_cin(pressure, temperature, dewpoint):
cape_cin, parcel_profile
profile = parcel_profile(pressure, temperature[0], dewpoint[0])
return cape_cin(pressure, temperature, dewpoint, profile)
p, t, td, profile = parcel_profile_with_lcl(pressure, temperature, dewpoint)
return cape_cin(p, t, td, profile)

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