Code for custom CNNs on custom dataset, relative to the paper "How deep convolutional neural networks lose spatial information with training".
Training simple CNNs on the Scale-Detection task. Compute their sensitivities to input transformations.
Creates the Scale-Detection dataset in 1 dimension.
It is possible to choose the characteristic length \xi and the image size, and whether Task 1 and Task 2.
Simple CNNs used to learn Scale-Detection task, with ReLU non linearity.
Parameters: filter size, stride, number of channels, depth.
Training simple CNNs on the Scale-Detection task.
input parameters:
characteristic scale
image size
number of layers
learning rate
number channels
magnitude active pixels in the dataset
ridge for weight decay
p for the weight decay p-norm
Computes network stability to diffeomorphisms and Gaussian noise, layer by layer.
Possible to choose whether averaging all the channels within a layer or not.