Sc4ry provide the Circuit Breaker Design Pattern for your applications
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'sc4ry'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install sc4ry
A quick circuit test : create a test script lile test.rb :
require 'rubygems'
require 'sc4ry'
include Sc4ry
Circuits.register circuit: :mycircuit, config: {:notifiers => [:prometheus,:mattermost],
:exceptions => [Errno::ECONNREFUSED, URI::InvalidURIError]} do # circuit: :mycircuit is optional, run work with the first circuit registered
puts RestClient.get('http://your_service/endpoint')
Default values, circuit is half open before one of the max count is reached :
- :max_failure_count
description : maximum failure before opening circuit
default value : 5
- :timeout_value
description : timeout value, if :timeout => true
default value : 20
- :timeout
description : (de)activate internal timeout
default value : false
- :max_timeout_count
description : maximum timeout try before opening circuit
default value* : 5
- :max_time
description : maximum time for a circuit run
default value : 10
- :max_overtime_count
description : maximum count of overtime before opening circuit
default value : 3
- :check_delay
description : delay after opening, before trying again to closed circuit or after an other check
default value : 30
- :notifiers
description : active notifier, must be :symbol in [:prometheus, :mattermost]
default value : []
- :forward_unknown_exceptions
description : (de)activate forwarding of unknown exceptions, just log in DEBUG if false
default value : true
- :raise_on_opening
description : (de)activate raise specific Sc4ry exceptions ( CircuitBreaked ) if circuit opening
default value : false
- :exceptions
description : [StandardError, RuntimeError]
default value : list of selected Exceptions considered for failure, others are SKIPPED.
This script could be usefull to test all feature on your installation
You need:
- Redis
- Prometheus pushgateway
- an endpoint if you want to check real endpoint
- a Mattermost/Slack incoming webhook (optional)
You could gate all this pre-requistes simply if you jave docker up on your machine
$ docker pull redis:latest
$ docker run --rm -d -p 6379:6379/tcp redis:latest
$ docker pull prom/pushgateway:latest
$ docker run --rm -d -p 9091:9091 prom/pushgateway:latest
$ git clone
$ cd MockWS
$ rackup
create the test script like :
require 'rubygems'
require 'sc4ry'
include Sc4ry
# display of default Sc4ry config
puts '1.1/ CONFIG : Initial default config'
Circuits.default_config.each do |item,value|
puts " * #{item} : #{value}"
puts ''
# testing the two ways to configure Sc4ry default config
puts "1.2/ CONFIG : modifying default config activate timout and set max_time to 12"
Circuits.merge_default_config diff: {timeout: true }
Circuits.configure do |spec|
spec.max_time = 12
puts ''
# display default config, must be override with a nested hash by calling default_config= method
puts '1.3/ CONFIG : Default config updated:'
Circuits.default_config.each do |item,value|
puts " * #{item} : #{value}"
puts ''
# display current data Store
print "2.1/ STORE : Current datastore backend : "
puts ''
# display available backend
puts "2.2/ STORE : List of existing backends : " do |backend|
puts " - #{backend}"
puts ''
# display Redis backend config in store before change
puts '2.3/ STORE : display default config of redis backend' :redis).each do |item,value|
puts " * #{item} : #{value}"
puts ''
# reconfigure a backend
puts "2.4/ STORE : reconfigure Redis backend" name: :redis, config: {:host => 'localhost', :port => 6379, :db => 10 }
# display after
puts '2.5/ STORE : display altered config of redis backend' :redis).each do |item,value|
puts " * #{item} : #{value}"
puts ''
# change backend
puts '2.6/ STORE : change to redis backend (NEED a Redis installed) '
puts " $ docker pull redis:latest"
puts " $ docker run --rm -d -p 6379:6379/tcp redis:latest" name: :redis
puts ''
puts '2.7/ STORE : flush redis backend, just for test, and for idempotency (NEED a Redis installed) '
puts ''
# defining a circuit, config must be empty or override from default
puts "3.1/ CIRCUIT : registering a circuit by merge :"
Circuits.register circuit: :test, config: {:notifiers => [:prometheus,:mattermost], :exceptions => [Errno::ECONNREFUSED, URI::InvalidURIError] }
puts ""
puts "3.2/ CIRCUIT : registering a circuit by block :"
Circuits.register circuit: :test2 do |spec|
spec.exceptions = [Errno::ECONNREFUSED]
puts ''
puts "3.3/ CIRCUIT : registering a circuit by default :"
Circuits.register circuit: :test3
puts ''
puts "3.4/ CIRCUITS : Circuits list"
Circuits::list.each do |circuit|
puts " * #{circuit}"
puts ""
puts "3.5/ CIRCUIT : display a circuit config :test3 :"
Circuits.get(circuit: :test3).each do |item,value|
puts " * #{item} : #{value}"
puts ""
puts "3.6/ CIRCUIT : update config of :test3 => :raise_on_opening == true :"
Circuits.update_config circuit: :test3, config: {raise_on_opening: true}
puts ''
puts "3.7/ CIRCUIT : display a circuit config :test3 after change :"
Circuits.get(circuit: :test3).each do |item,value|
puts " * #{item} : #{value}"
puts ""
puts "3.8/ unregister a circuit : :test2 :"
Circuits.unregister circuit: :test2
puts ''
puts "3.9/ CIRCUITS : Circuits list after unregister"
Circuits::list.each do |circuit|
puts " * #{circuit}"
puts ""
# Config an alternate logger
puts "4.1/ LOGGER : register a logger on file "
Circuits.loggers.register name: :perso, instance:'/tmp/logfile.log')
puts ''
puts "4.2/ LOGGER : get the list of available loggers"
Circuits.loggers.list_available.each do |logger|
puts " * #{logger}"
puts ''
puts "4.3/ LOGGER : change logger to :perso"
Circuits.loggers.current = :perso
puts ""
# sample Mattermost notification
puts "5/ set notifier mattermost on dummy url, change with your slack or mattermost server"
Sc4ry::Notifiers::config name: :mattermost, config: {:url => '', :token => "<TOKEN>"}
puts ""
# sample loop
puts "6/ running circuits test, please wait ... (see /tmp/logfile.log for result)"
puts " check endoint status for different result, you cloud use for testing endpoint, on an other tty"
puts " $ git clone"
puts " $ cd MockWS"
puts " $ rackup"
10.times do
sleep 1 circuit: :test do
# for the test choose or build an endpoint you must shutdown
puts RestClient.get('http://localhost:9292/test2/data')
rescue Interrupt
puts 'Interrputed'
puts "end"
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.