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Nudgis OBS Studio


The Nudgis OBS Studio plugin makes it easy to interface Open Broadcaster Software with the Nudgis platform from UbiCast.

The functionality of the plugin covers the following actions:

  • performing live streams
  • uploading recordings

The plugin is available for the following platforms:

See the release notes for the minimal version of each OS


Check out our tutorial.

Nudgis OBS Plugin Tutorial


OS-specific packages are available in the releases github page.

An AUR package is available for Arch Linux.


We follow the OBS plugin template installing advice that favor zip archive for portable installs and to mitigates code signing warnings or false positive anti virus.

The Windows is distributed as zip file which have the following tree one extracted:

└── nudgis-obs-plugin
    ├── bin
    │   └── 64bit
    │       ├── nudgis-obs-plugin.dll
    │       └── nudgis-obs-plugin.pdb
    └── data
        └── locale
            ├── en-US.ini
            └── fr-FR.ini

For the install you will have to manually copy files in the OBS installation folder (this will also work if you have a portable OBS version installed):

  1. plugin binaries:

Copy the nudgis-obs-plugin.dll and nudgis-obs-plugin.pdb into you OBS obs-studio\bin\64bits folder (C:\windows\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bits for regular installation)


  1. data files:

Data files shall be copied into obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\nudgis-obs-plugin\locale, and prior to copy the file you have to create the obs-studio\data\obs-plugins\nudgis-obs-plugin folder, then you can copy the en-US.ini and fr-FR.ini file into it.



Download the universal .pkg package from the releases github page.

The universal package can be installed on both x86 and arm64 machines.

After download follow these steps:

  • open the Download folder, then right click on the file and choose Open


  • As the plugin is not signed you will have to confirm that you want to open it by clicking Open


  • Click Continue on the installer until the Installation Type step, at this step you must click Change Install Location and then choose Install for me only

macos_3 macos_4

  • If everything went well you will see this


⚠️ Depending on the level of security you may also have to allow the installation of apps downloaded for elsewhere than App store, this can be done by opening the System Preferences and tick the App Store and identified developers box in Security and Privacy tab:


(you will also have to explicitly allow the app in this window)



For Ubuntu we only support OBS studio from the official OBS PPA as described on the OBS website

Before installing OBS you have to check that the major version (i.e. 31 for obs-studio 31.0.0) match with the nudgis-obs-plugin available in the releases github page

See the PPA page to check the version.

If you have a match then you can install OBS:

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
sudo apt update
sudo apt install obs-studio

Then install the plugin:

sudo apt install ./nudgis-obs-plugin-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.deb

Flatpak offer an isolated, distribution agnostic way to install and use OBS studio.

To install the latest flatpak OBS version use:

flatpak install com.obsproject.Studio

You can now install nudgis-obs-plugin

  1. Download nudgis-obs-plugin.flatpak

  2. Instal it with

flatpak install nudgis-obs-plugin_VERSION.flatpak


Nudgis OBS plugin is available from AUR, use you preferred AUR packet manager to install it, for instance with yay:

yay -S nudgis-obs-plugin



As you have manually copied the file you can delete them to remove the plugin.


To remove this plugin open the terminal and type:

rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/nudgis-obs-plugin.plugin/"
pkgutil --volume ~ --forget eu.ubicast.nudgis-obs-plugin


sudo apt remove nudgis-obs-plugin


CI artifacts description

Deployment binaries are generated by the github/actions (Artifacts) CI, and are accessible from the Actions section of the project repository.

The file name of an Artifacts respects the following format:


For example


Below is the listing of Artifact names, containing the deployment binaries for each platform for version 1.0.0 of the Nudgis OBS Studio plugin compiled for OBS >= 28:

Platform Artifact Name Note
Linux nudgis-obs-plugin-1.0.0-linux-x86_64-linux-gnu.deb Debian .deb package, may be used for other Linux platforms[1]
MacOS nudgis-obs-plugin-1.0.0-macos-universal.pkg Universal MacOS package (intel x86 and ARM based)
Windows Windows 64 bits portable archive

Build of the flatpak package

A new build have to be done each time the OBS API breaks, when this happens (major version change) you have to re generate the package, thanks to this .

Setting up the development environment on Ubuntu 20.04

OBS compilation and installation in debug mode

ℹ️ update the version to the current plugin and OBS version

Activation of deb-src repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo perl -pi -0e 's/^(deb .*\n)# (deb-src)/$1$2/gm' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update

Fetching sources, config

sudo apt build-dep obs-studio
sudo apt install git wget libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libpci-dev qtbase5-private-dev
git clone
cd obs-studio
git checkout 27.2.4 -b 27.2.4
git submodule init
git submodule update
export CI_LINUX_CEF_VERSION=$(cat .github/workflows/main.yml | sed -En "s/[ ]+LINUX_CEF_BUILD_VERSION: '([0-9]+)'/\1/p")
tar -xvaf cef_binary_${CI_LINUX_CEF_VERSION}_linux64.tar.bz2

Compiling and Installing

cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build
sudo ldconfig

nudgis-obs-plugin compilation and installation in debug mode

git clone [email protected]:UbiCastTeam/nudgis-obs-plugin.git
cd nudgis-obs-plugin
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build

Starting a GDB debug session

Installing gdb

sudo apt install gdb

Starting a debug session - with a breakpoint on the plugin initialization function

gdb -ex 'set breakpoint pending on' -ex 'b src/nudgis-plugin.cpp:obs_module_load' -ex r obs

Launching a debug session

gdb obs