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A library of React-based UI components for composing data-rich geological applications


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Macrostrat web components

Web-Components is a React based user interface ecosystem designed for efficiently developing data-dense web-frontends. Foundationally built upon other UI-Libraries, heavily upon @blueprintjs, the components herein are meant to be easily implemented with much of the business logic encapsulated within the library itself.



Macrostrat's web components system is a workbench for producing user interface components. It is structured as a monorepo, with several modules (in the packages directory) that are being maintained for publication to NPM and referencing in Macrostrat's user-facing applications. Open-source contributions and third-party usage are welcome!

Several of the most important modules are:

Contributing to web components


To get started developing Macrostrat web components, clone this repository to your machine, install dependencies, and start the storybook begin developing.

Run yarn install in the root directory to install dependencies.

Package manager

This repository is optimized for Yarn v4 or greater and may not work with NPM or other package managers. Run corepack enable to enable the yarn command that is bundled with this repository.

Environment variables

In order to make map-based examples work, you will have to set the VITE_MAPBOX_API_TOKEN environment variable to a valid Mapbox token. You can do this by creating a .env file in the root of the repository.

Developing components

Using Storybook as a component workbench

We use Storybook for developing components in an isolated environment. To start the storybook, run yarn run dev in the root directory. The storybook will start at port 6006. You can then create new 'stories' referencing components to create standalone views. This is the main approach for component development preferred by the Macrostrat team.

Developing components in a consuming application

Sometimes, it can be useful to prototype components as you are developing a consuming application. To do this, you can use yarn link (or an equivalent command in your package manager) to link the packages in this monorepo to your application.

For instance, if you were working on the Macrostrat web repository, you could run the following commands:

# In the `web` directory with a `web-components` directory at the same level
yarn link -A -r ../web-components
# Creates relative links to the packages in the `web-components` directory

This will link the packages in the web-components directory to the web application using the "portal" protocol.

The package.json resolutions entries created by this linking process should be removed before publishing the application, as they will prevent the application from being compiled correctly in CI or a new environment.

Other useful commands

  • Check types: yarn run check
  • Build all packages locally: yarn run build
  • Check how a package is consumed: yarn why <package-name>
  • General information about packages and dependencies: yarn info -A -R <package-name>

Publishing packages

This monorepo has a custom script that helps with publishing packages.

  • Run yarn run status to view a change list for each potential package to be published. This will allow you to update package.json versions and changelog entries.
  • If desired, you can run yarn run prepare to try building the packages.
  • If the build is successful, you can run yarn run publish to publish new versions.
  • Other workspace-management tools, such as yarn version check, can also be helpful for version management

You will need the NPM organizational credentials (to the @macrostrat organization) to publish packages.


Upgrading storybook

yarn dlx storybook@latest upgrade

Upgrading dependencies

It can be useful to upgrade a specific dependency to its latest version:

yarn up -i <package-name>

Maintaining references

yarn why @macrostrat/column-components


A library of React-based UI components for composing data-rich geological applications







No packages published