Python3 implementation of the papers [Markovian Sliced Wasserstein distances: Beyond Indepedent Projections](Markovian sliced wasserstein distances: beyond independent projections)
- python 3.8.8
- pytorch 1.8.1
- torchvision
- numpy
- tqdm
- tensorboardX
- tensorflow-gpu
- imageio
- Gradient flow
- Color Transfer
- Deep Generative Modeling
cd GradientFlow
cd ColorTransfer
python --source [source image] --target [target image] --num_iter 2000 --cluster
- : this file contains arguments for training.
- : this file implements dataloaders.
- : this file implements training functions.
- : this file is the main file for running.
- models : this folder contains neural networks architecture.
- utils : this folder contains implementation of fid score and Inception score.
- fid_stat : this folder contains statistic files for fID score.
--dataset : type of dataset {"cifar10","celeba"} --sw_type : type of distances {"sw","maxsw","ksw","maxksw","rMSW","oMSW","iMSW","viMSW"} --img_size : size of images --dis_bs : size of mini-batches --model : "sngan_{dataset}" --eval_batch_size : batchsize for computing FID --L : number of projections --K : number of orthogonal projections --s_lr : slice learning rate (for Max-SW and MSW variants) --s_max_iter : max iterations of gradient update (for Max-SW and Max-K-SW) and plays as the number of time steps T for MSW variants
python -gen_bs 128 -dis_bs 128 --data_path ./data --dataset celeba --img_size 64 --max_iter 50000 --model sngan_celeba --latent_dim 128 --gf_dim 256 --df_dim 128 --g_spectral_norm False --d_spectral_norm True --g_lr 0.0002 --d_lr 0.0002 --beta1 0.0 --beta2 0.9 --init_type xavier_uniform --n_critic 5 --val_freq 20 --sw_type iMsw --L 10 --s_max_iter 100 --s_lr 0.01 --random_seed 1
The structure of this repo is largely based on sngan.pytorch. The implementation of the Von Mises-Fisher distribution is taken from s-vae-pytorch.