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Daniel L. Young, Ph.D edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the QAPPBuilder wiki

QAPP Builder Tool

What is QAPP Builder?

A Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is a document describing in comprehensive detail the necessary quality assurance, quality control, and other technical activities that must be implemented to ensure the results of the work performed will satisfy the stated performance criteria. This web application was developed to assist CESER staff with development of approved QAPPs using a team approach. QAPPs created using this web app for active research projects are available to facilitate their use during ongoing research and to provide examples during planning of new research, as well as export the final product for QA Review, approval, and entry into the ORD QA TRACK database.


It is the goal of this effort to provide a more comprehensive guidance on developing QAPPs for research projects. More information is provided in the EPA-240-R-02-009 report titled "Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans EPA QA G-5." The completed checklist will be entered into QA Track with the approved QAPP by the QA Manager when finalized. The work on this project has been approved under the CESER QAPP K-LRTD-0032360-QP-1-0.

Accessing QAPP Builder

Development Platform

QAPP Builder is developed in Python 3.9 using Django for its web application.

Code style: QAPP Builder code-base follows PEP code styling conventions. We want to keep this practice in the future; therefore, all contributions should follow the below code styling rules provided by various linter configuration files.

Python: pycodestyle: following PEP 8 style guide. pydocstyle: following PEP 257 docstring conventions.

Contact: Management Steven Jones, DQA [email protected].

Software Development/Support Daniel L. Young, Ph.D. [email protected].

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