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ejamroz edited this page Nov 8, 2012 · 6 revisions

Current Task

  • Create an encapsulated draw method
  • Get phones position relative to a target

Work Log

October 29th

  • Made a work log!

November 2nd

  • After extensive work, I feel that a fully encapsulated method is not possible. We must seek alternative work arounds to simplify our drawing process. I feel that this might be able to be accomplished with the use of an elaborate switch block in a loop. David and I have discussed this possibility and he is currently working on developing it.
  • While David is working on the so called "encapsulation loop" I am continuing to work on getting the phone's location relative to the trackable target. While I have been working, I have not made notable progress towards this end. Stay tuned for further results.

Nov. 8

  • Trying to get the phones location relative to the target
  • Not yet sure which matrix (pos of model view) I need to invert to get the proper information
  • There are methods for getting inverse of a 4x4 (model view) but not for the 3x4 pos matrix. However, I am working to write this on my own
  • Currently getting two strange errors in image targets as a result of creating a new branch: One dealing with an unresolved variable R on line 277, and the other dealing with a rouge 'gen' folder which is not 'a source folder'