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Project Document

Hidenori edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 31 revisions


Who we are and what are our challenges

Sharing authoritative and reliable geospatial information has been an important issue for decades or nearly a century inside and outside the United Nations. United Nations Geospatial has been collaborating with country-led projects like International Map of the World (IMW) project and Global Mapping (GM) project in spite of technological challenges regarding possible political concerns involved.

Vector Tile (VT) technology is a key technology for Smart Maps that enables full data ownership and control by data providers with reasonable cost-sharing arrangements, which is a technological solution reducing possible political concerns. United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit (UNVT) was established in 2018 as a successor of the GM project with an unchanging ideal of sharing authoritative and reliable geospatial information for Sustainable Development, and with a new important objective to meet the requirements of UN operations.

DWG7 is a UN Open GIS Initiative Domain Working Group built on top of the UNVT project and is going beyond. Participated by partners from not only Member State governments and International Organizations but also the private sector and academia, Domain Working Group (DWG) 7 is building an open global practice community of engineers and operators who are keeping web maps open and diverse. DWG7 is contributing to informed decision making by providing fast and smart maps based on modern web technologies.

This part is an excerpt from the UN Open GIS Initiative document.

The UN Open GIS Initiative is to identify and develop an Open Source GIS bundle that meets the requirement of UN operations, taking full advantage of the expertise of mission partners (Member States, technology contributing countries, international organizations, academia, NGO's, and the private sector).

The strategic approach shall be developed with best and shared principles, standards, and ownership, in a prioritized manner that addresses capability gaps and needs without duplicating the efforts of other Member States or entities. The UN Open GIS Initiative strategy shall collaboratively and cooperatively develop, validate, assess, migrate, and implement sound technical capabilities with all the appropriate documentation and training that in the end provides a united effort to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of utilizing Open Source GIS around the world.

UN Open GIS Membership

This part is an excerpt from the UN Open GIS Initiative ToR (updated 29 June 2018).

any Member State or organization who agrees with the strategy manifesto of the UN Open GIS Initiative and actively contributes to the UN Open GIS Initiative in terms of financial, materials, solutions, technologies, and/or human resources. The contributor membership shall be decided by the Strategic Board.
any Member State or organization who agrees with the strategy manifesto of the UN Open GIS Initiative and participates in the UN Open GIS Initiative actively. The observer membership shall be granted by the Strategic Board.

DWG7 Structure


Build a global community of engineers and operators who are keeping web maps open and diverse.

DWG Leads

Objective owners


DWG7 shall be reporting to the Co-Chairs and the Strategic Board of the UN Open GIS Initiative. In practice, DWG7 is reporting to the UN Open GIS Initiative through monthly meetings.

How we operate

We consider DWG7 as an open global practice community and take a federated approach; participants bring their high-level objectives with clearly defined owners and success criteria to get all the DWG members on the same page. Participants will get opportunities to share their progress within DWG and also to the UN Open GIS Initiative through its monthly meetings.

Community promises

  1. We treat people as equals. Everyone is welcome.
  2. We prefer open collaboration.
  3. Contributions are esteemed by their merit.
  4. We respect data producers.
  5. We criticize ideas, not people.
  6. We believe in fail forward to learn and improve.

Ground rules as a part of community promises

  1. We move by empathy and trust, not by requests.
  2. It is OK to use a local language. It is nice to use a common language.

Community value statement

We support participants:

  1. to design, produce, style, host, and optimize vector tiles.
  2. to cope with resource-limited environments.
  3. to learn about use cases.
  4. to have fun.
  5. to introduce new ideas.
  6. to help each other.
  7. to handle images, raster data (terrain tiles), point clouds, and 3D city models, too.



Objective 1: UN operation

short description

Operationalize vector tiles in the UN


We introduce an effective and efficient geospatial data dissemination mechanism for the UN field missions and the UN Secretariat. It will be cost-saving for the Organization.

key initiatives

key performance indicators

Regular update of the vector tiles


daily for mission areas, twice a week for other areas


keep regular updates


Taro U


Objective 2: GSI operation

short description

Operationalize GSI vector tiles in distributed hosting environments


We scale out map applications by promoting vector tile hosting by different parties including private enterprises.

key initiatives

key performance indicators

Number of tiles monthly sent from GSI server [tiles/month]


6 billion tiles/month


0% increase from 6 billion tiles/month in 2023-10

Number of operators hosting GSI topographic vector tiles


+3 in 2023-10




Objective 3: UNVT Portable

short description

Introduce UNVT Portable in local governments


We equip local governments with modern and portable web map services. We promote informed decision making by local governments, residents, and volunteers especially in disaster response.

key initiatives

key performance indicators




short description

Demonstrate a distributed map hosting environment for equitable Smart Campus solutions


We support educational campuses and potentially other premises through equitable smart solutions. We provide a schematic and efficient geospatial data solution (Campus Layers) to various educational campuses and integrate it with dashboard feature, routing feature, and 3D capabilities.

key initiatives

key performance indicators




Objective 5: 3D Spatial ID

short description

Develop and facilitate 3D geospatial data free flow by extending vector tiles for 3D applications


We provide a 3D spatial object model for 3D Spatial IDs. It will be available at with related libraries and applications. Typical use cases include UAV flight planning and underground utility management.

key initiatives

key performance indicators

Number of software implementations at


3 in 2023-10

Number of 3D Spatial ID applications we coordinated


5 in 2023-10



Objective 6: Sensor data integration

short description

Integrate sensor data



key initiatives


key performance indicators






Objective 7: Core

short description

Support all other objectives through understanding and utilizing the OSS and Open Data that is essential to Smart Maps.


We understand and contribute to a number of OSS and Open Data that are essential to Smart Maps. We will research and prepare OSS and Open Data for other objectives to take advantage of. These OSS and Open Data may be held by several disparate organizations or individuals, but we understand and coordinate their interests. Depending on the situation, we may develop new OSS ourselves.

key initiatives

  • Understand and document how important each OSS and Open Data is to Smart Maps, including how to utilize it
  • Package OSS and Open Data for ready-to-use
  • Contribute to relevant OSS and Open Data

key performance indicators

  • Number of OSS and Open Data we utilized
  • Number of OSS and Open Data we contributed


  • Taro Matsuzawa (@smellman)


  • Yui Matsumura (@yuiseki)
  • Taro Ubukawa (@ubukawa)
  • Hidenori Fujimura (@hfu)

Objective n: TODO TEMPLATE

short description


key initiatives

key performance indicators



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