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2019 Collegiate eCTF Setup

This repository contains UNO's code for the 2019 MITRE eCTF.

This document contains instructions to set up the development environment.


To host the VM using Vagrant you must have the following tools installed on your host machine:

Install VirtualBox and the VirtualBox Extension Pack first.

On Linux, you will also need to add your user to the vboxusers group.

Next, install the latest version of Vagrant.

System Requirements

  • At least 50GB of disk space once all the above tools are installed. You will need more if you decide to install Vivado.
  • At least 4 CPU threads. You can operate with less but you will need to change the number of CPUs in provision/config.rb
  • At least 8 GB of ram. You can operate with less but you will need to modify the amount of provisioned ram in provision/config.rb. We recommend using no more than half of the total amount of RAM on your system.

Development Environment Instructions

Follow the below instructions to provision the development environment.

Note, this will take a LONG time so be patient!

When the petalinux tools are being installed, you may want to get up and do something else while it works.

It could take over an hour depending on your system specs.

To use the VM:

  1. Clone the Vagrant Setup repository onto your machine.
  2. Navigate to the directory where this README is located; this should be where the Vagrantfile is.
  3. Modify configuration options contained in provision/config.rb, change $petalinux_git value to https://$USER:[email protected]/$NULLIFYGITHUB/$REPO.
  4. Download the Petalinux Tools with username and password and put it in the downloads folder.
  5. Create, boot, and provision the VM via the vagrant up command. The GUI will appear before the vagrant provisioning process has completed. Wait for the vagrant process to finish before interacting with the VM.
  6. Restart the VM for all changes to take place with vagrant halt && vagrant up.
  7. Login the vm with username and password vagrant:vagrant or ssh into VM with vagrant ssh

Note: To start the provisioning process again use vagrant destroy and go back to step 4.

To build the system:

  1. Ensure all previous steps have been completed.
  2. Go into MES tools directory cd ~/MES/tools
  3. Build the system: python3 demo_files/demo_users.txt demo_files/demo_default.txt
  4. Build the games: python3 files/generated/FactorySecrets.txt demo_files/demo_games.txt
  5. Package the system: python3 files/generated/SystemImage.bif
  6. Insert SD card into host computer and passthrough to VM.
  7. Identify SD card in VM lsblk
  8. Deploy system to SD card: python3 /dev/sdX files/uno_BOOT.BIN files/generated/MES.bin files/generated/games (replacing /dev/sdX with the appropriate device)
  9. Remove SD card and place it in the board
  10. Plug in the board to the host computer and on the Arty Z7 board, move jumper JP4 to the two pins labeled 'SD'
  11. Access UART sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1. You will need to disable the hardware flow control setting to have UART work appropriately. To do so, press control A and then z while running minicom, then hit O, go to Serial port setup, and then press F. You may want to save this configuration so you don't need to set this up every time you run minicom.
  12. Press the PORB button on the board to reset it. You should now see the mesh shell boot and will be greeted with the login prompt
  13. Log in with the demo credentials demo:00000000
  14. List Mesh commands with help

Note: Games will boot to an external display through HDMI-out.