This is the documentation theme to use with VitePress for new UMN LATIS documentation sites.
- VitePress
- Typescript
$ npm install -D @umn-latis/vitepress-theme-umn
Then set this as the theme within .vitepress/theme/index.ts
// .vitepress/theme/index.ts
export { default } from "@umn-latis/vitepress-theme-umn";
Add your vitepress configuration to docs/.vitepress/config.ts
For example:
// docs/.vitepress/config.ts
const GITHUB_ORG_URL = "";
export default {
lang: "en-US",
title: `${REPO_NAME} Help`,
base: `/${REPO_NAME}/`,
lastUpdated: true,
themeConfig: {
sidebar: [
text: "Getting Started",
items: [
text: "Introduction",
link: "/",
text: "Accessibility",
link: "/accessibility",
socialLinks: [{ icon: "github", link: `${GITHUB_ORG_URL}/${REPO_NAME}` }],
editLink: {
pattern: `${GITHUB_ORG_URL}/${REPO_NAME}/edit/main/docs/:path`,
text: "Edit this page on GitHub",
footer: {
message: "Made with ❤️ by LATIS",
copyright: "Copyright © University of Minnesota",
// optional search config
// algolia: {
// appId: "",
// apiKey: "",
// indexName: "",
// },