This is the Home Office Correspondence Service (HOCS) case creator service.
- Reads a message containing a JSON payload from an AWS SQS Queue
- Validates the payload against a pre-described schema
- Creates a case with associated data (i.e. correspondents, complaint type)
Java 17
This project contains a 'ci' submodule with a docker-compose and infrastructure scripts in it. Most modern IDEs will handle pulling this automatically for you, but if not
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
This repository contains a Docker Compose file.
From the project root run:
$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml up -d localstack
With Docker using 4 GB of memory, this takes approximately 2 minutes to startup.
From the project root run:
$ docker-compose -f ./ci/docker-compose.yml stop
This will retain data in the local database and other volumes.
To build the dockerfile locally it needs access to GitHub packages, this is done through your Personal Access Token run:
docker build . -t whatever --build-arg=PACKAGE_TOKEN=$MY_PAT
To be able to run the service in the environment you will need to ensure that both schemas have been published to either Maven Local or Artifactory with the versions specified within the build.gradle.
See JSON Schemas for more information.
If you are using an IDE, such as IntelliJ, this service can be started by running the CaseCreatorApplication
main class.
The service can then be accessed at http://localhost:8092
There are a number of Spring profiles that can be used to configure the service.
Profile | Description | Required |
local | Used to run the service locally | Yes for local development |
development | Used to enable further logging | Yes for local development |
Profile | Description |
ukvi | Used to listen and handle UKVI messages |
migration | Used to listen and enable migration messages |
The service is designed that you should only run one message profile at a time, this ensures the service works just like in production.
The following table contains the mandatory and optional properties that need to be set for deployment.
Property | Description | Example | Mandatory |
AWS_SQS_CONFIG_REGION | The region for the AWS SQS queue | eu-west-2 | Yes |
AWS_SQS_QUEUE_URL | The full AWS SQS queue URL | http://localhost:4566/queue/case-creator-queue | Yes |
AWS_SQS_QUEUE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY | The SQS access key | 12345 | Yes |
AWS_SQS_QUEUE_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY | The SQS secret key | 12345 | Yes |
AWS_SQS_QUEUE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_MESSAGES | The amount of messages to read at one time | 10 | No |
AWS_SQS_QUEUE_ATTRIBUTE_WAIT_TIME | The poll time for the queue listener | 5 | No |
AWS_SQS_IGNORE_MESSAGES | The messages to ignore | false/true | No |
AWS_S3_CONFIG_REGION | The region for the AWS S3 queue | eu-west-2 | Yes |
AWS_S3_UNTRUSTED_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY | The S3 access key | 12345 | Yes |
AWS_S3_UNTRUSTED_ACCOUNT_SECRET_KEY | The S3 secret key | 12345 | Yes |
AWS_S3_UNTRUSTED_ACCOUNT_BUCKET_KMS_KEY | The S3 bucket kms key | [UNSET] | Yes |
AWS_S3_UNTRUSTED_BUCKET_NAME | The S3 bucket name to send to | untrusted-bucket | Yes |
CASE_CREATOR_WORKFLOW_SERVICE | The URL of the workflow service | http://localhost:8091 | Yes |
CASE_CREATOR_CASE_SERVICE | The URL of the casework service | http://localhost:8082 | Yes |
SERVER_PORT | The port the server listens on | 8092 | Yes |
The service uses the associated JSON schema to validate the incoming message.
These are loaded in at built time through either Maven local or GitHub Packages.
For GitHub Packages, you will need to generate a Personal Access Token and either set it as an environment variable or pass it in as a build argument. See build.gradle for more information.
For local development, build the schema locally and publish to a Maven local repository. View the README in the schema for more information.
Not all queues automatically process messages and create a backlog of PENDING
messages to process within the database.
To process these messages you can run the following command:
$ curl http://localhost:8092/process \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"maxMessages": ..., "from": ..., "to": ...}'
The following parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Example | Required |
maxMessages | The maximum number of messages to process | 10 | Yes |
from | The date to start processing messages from (inclusive) | 2020-01-01 | No |
to | The date to stop processing messages from (inclusive) | 2020-01-02 | No |
If (from) and (to) are not provided, the service will process all messages from the queue unless the amount of messages exceeds the (maxMessages) parameter.
For versioning this project uses SemVer.
This project is authored by the Home Office.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. For details please see License