Python library for interacting with Pingdom services (REST API and maintenance windows).
- Check management: create, delete, update, list
- Maintenance windows: create, delete, list
- Pingdom account
- requests (0.10.8 or newer)
The git repo will need to be cloned to your local system and installed using the following:
>>> git clone
>>> pip3 install -e /path/to/clone/pingdompy
The client object will allow you to interact with the API.
>>> import pingdompy
>>> client = pingdompy.Client(apikey="your api key")
List all checks:
The Pingdom Api can be called to recieve a comprehensive list of all checks visible to the api key specified:
>>> checks = client.get_checks()
"type": "http",
"id": 100,
"name": "mycheck",
"lasterrortime": 1297446423,
"lasttesttime": 1300977363,
"lastresponsetime": 355,
"status": "up",
"resolution": 0,
"hostname": "string",
"created": 0,
"tags": [{"name": "apache", "type": "a", "count": 2}],
"probe_filters": ["region: EU"],
"ipv6": true
List checks with production and frontend tags:
>>> client.get_checks(tags=[production,frontend])
List specific check:
Pingdom can also be called to pull a more detailed list of a specific check when an ID is passed in:
>>> check = client.get_check(checkid)
"type": {},
"sendnotificationwhendown": 6,
"notifyagainevery": 5,
"notifywhenbackup": true,
"responsetime_threshold": 30000,
"custom_message": "Important check is down!",
"integrationids": [],
"id": 100,
"name": "mycheck",
"lasterrortime": 1297446423,
"lasttesttime": 1300977363,
"lastresponsetime": 355,
"status": "up",
"resolution": 0,
"hostname": "string",
"created": 0,
"tags": [],
"probe_filters": [],
"ipv6": true,
"verify_certificate": true,
"ssl_down_days_before": 0
Create a check:
>>> changes = {
"name": "Check Check"
"host": "",
"tags": [{"name": "pingdompy-test"},
"resolution": "60"
"type": "http"
>>> client.create_check(check_definition)
Refer to this page for the list of options that could also be implemented.
Integrations: (not yet implemented)
To enable/disable an integration plugins (like webhooks) use the field integrationids (array with integer ids to set or "null" tring to remove it)
Alert policies: (not yet implemented)
To bind an alerting policy use the field alert_policy (numeric id to set it or string "null" to disable alerts)
Update a check:
>>> client.update_check(check, {"paused": True})
this will return the updated checks' details for verification and a message confirming the update occured
Delete a check: (not yet implemented)
>>> client.delete_check(check)
Create a 1 hour maintenance window for production websites:
>>> start = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
>>> end = start + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
>>> window = client.create_maintenance({"checks": checks, "name": maint_name, \
"start": start, "stop": end, "uptime_ids": arg_uptimeid})
Setting the checks to none will allow you pass in an uptime ID rather than a tag
Delete future maintenance windows: (to be implemented)
>>> windows = client.get_maintenances(filters={"checks": checks, \
>>> for m in maintenances: