Due: Friday Dec 10 Before 5:00 PM (30 points)
Total Points = 30
In this assignment, you will:
- Use maps to perform join two datasets together
- Use maps to compute statistics over a dataset
- Learn about the limitations of simple data anonymization techniques
- Learn about privacy issues resulting from data release
- Work with open data resources
Review the lecture notes and provided example code for some insight into the Scala syntax. You will also want to read the Scala references provided below:
- The Scala API
- Joins
- ScalaTest Docs
Relevant textbook sections:
- Sets and Maps - § 6.2, 6.3 p189-197
- Hash Tables - § 22 p609-622
The policy for late submissions on assignments is as follows. Your project grade is the best grade over all per-submission grades (or a 0 if no submissions are made).
If a submission is made...
- ... more than 5 days before the deadline and your submission earns full credit, your submission is assigned a grade of 5 bonus points + 100% of the points it earns.
- ... up to than 5 days before the deadline and your submission earns full credit, your submission is assigned a grade of 1 bonus point per full day + 100% of the points it earns.
- ... within 24 hours of the deadline, your submission is assigned a grade of 100% of the points it earns.
- ... up to 24 hours after the deadline, your submission is assigned a grade of 75% of the points it earns.
- ... more than 24 hours after the deadline, but within 48 hours of the deadline, your submission is assigned a grade of 50% of the points it earns.
- ... more than 48 hours after the deadline, it will not be accepted.
You will have the ability to use three grace days throughout the semester, and at most two per assignment (since submissions are not accepted after two days). Using a grace day will negate the 25% penalty per day, but will not allow you to submit more than two days late. Please plan accordingly. You will not be able to recover a grace day if you decide to work late and your score was not sufficiently higher. Grace days are automatically applied to the first instances of late submissions, and are non-refundable. For example, if an assignment is due on a Friday and you make a submission on Saturday, you will automatically use a grace day, regardless of whether you perform better or not. Be sure to test your code before submitting, especially with late submissions in order to avoid wasting grace days.
Keep track of the time if you are working up until the deadline.
Submissions become late after the set deadline. Keep in mind that submissions
will close 48 hours after the original deadline and you will not be able to
submit your code after that time.
- Use your existing project 2 directory or clone a fresh copy:
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_UBIT.git
(don't forget to replace YOUR_UBIT
- Update your repository to include materials for PA3 as follows. From your source directory, run the following commands at the command line.
git remote add project-3 https://github.com/UBOdin/cse250-maps-anonymization.git
git fetch project-3
git merge project-3/main
Update the copyright statement with your UBIT and person number in the submission files.
Review the file contents and read over the comments on what is already present.
The following assignment consists of two parts. Before submitting either part make sure that all of your code is committed and pushed into microbase.
Only code in the src/main/scala/cse250/pa3
directory will be considered for
this submission.
Once your code is committed and pushed into microbase, log into microbase and submit your assignment to the "Programming Project 3" project.
Expect this project to take 6-10 hours of setting up your environment, reading through documentation, and planning, coding, and testing your solution.
For Project 3 you will be allowed an unlimited number of submissions without penalty. You will receive the first 60% of your grade (up to 18 points) immediately from microbase. After the late submission deadline, your final score will be computed based on the most recent submission.
Relational (SQL) databases like MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite, and others are used extensively throughout cloud infrastructure for data storage and processing. One of the main computational tasks relational databases handle on a regular basis is called a join. Although the computation you will be asked to implement in this assignment is not exactly a join, you may find the following both informative and helpful when implementing your assignment.
A relational database stores data in Tables (you may have heard these called "Dataframes" or "Tensors" in other settings). A table is a collection of Records. All records have a common set of Fields (sometimes called Attributes). For example, the following is a table that we'll call Customers.
# | First Name | Last Name | Birthday | Zip Code |
0 | SIMON | DURAN | 11/17/1978 | 14261 |
1 | EMELIA | STEWART | 9/23/1996 | 14201 |
2 | NIA | GONZALEZ | 7/12/1970 | 14210 |
3 | VIOLET | HARMON | 3/16/1986 | 14216 |
4 | EDWIN | SUTTON | 6/21/1986 | 14201 |
5 | LILY | BAKER | 8/31/1988 | 14213 |
6 | MILO | ORTIZ | 11/15/1973 | 14201 |
7 | KARA | OLIVER | 6/10/1968 | 14214 |
8 | BRANDON | GARDNER | 2/20/1957 | 14223 |
9 | DEWEY | WILSON | 3/14/1987 | 14212 |
There are 10 records (numbered 0-9) in this table. Each record has four fields: First Name, Last Name, Birthday, and Zip Code.
Here's another example that we'll call Pizza By Zip.
# | Zip Code | Closest Pizza |
0 | 14201 | La Nova Wing Incorporated |
1 | 14216 | Jet's Pizza Delivery |
2 | 14223 | Pie-O-Mine Greens |
3 | 14213 | Sports City Pizza Pub |
4 | 14261 | Imperial Pizza |
5 | 14212 | Pizza Express |
6 | 14214 | Just Pizza |
A relational join (sometimes called an inner join, or just a join) links the records of two tables together on some field, called the join key. For each record in one table, we're going to find the corresponding record in the other table and produce a new "combined" record.
(To be pedantic, what we're talking about here is a specific kind of join called an equi-join. However, equi-joins are sufficiently common that it's common to refer to equi-joins as simply joins)
For example, let's join together the Customer and Pizza By Zip tables on
their mutual Zip Code attribute (e.g., to find the reccomended pizza place
for each customer). It is customary to represent the join operation with a
bowtie (
For each record in Customer, we're going to find the record in Pizza By Zip with an identical Zip Code. The result should look like the following:
# | First Name | Last Name | Birthday | Zip Code | Zip Code | Closest Pizza |
0 | SIMON | DURAN | 11/17/1978 | 14261 | 14261 | Imperial Pizza |
1 | EMELIA | STEWART | 9/23/1996 | 14201 | 14201 | La Nova Wing Incorporated |
2 | VIOLET | HARMON | 3/16/1986 | 14216 | 14216 | Jet's Pizza Delivery |
3 | EDWIN | SUTTON | 6/21/1986 | 14201 | 14201 | La Nova Wing Incorporated |
4 | LILY | BAKER | 8/31/1988 | 14213 | 14213 | Sports City Pizza Pub |
5 | MILO | ORTIZ | 11/15/1973 | 14201 | 14201 | La Nova Wing Incorporated |
6 | KARA | OLIVER | 6/10/1968 | 14214 | 14214 | Just Pizza |
7 | BRANDON | GARDNER | 2/20/1957 | 14223 | 14223 | Pie-O-Mine Greens |
8 | DEWEY | WILSON | 3/14/1987 | 14212 | 14212 | Pizza Express |
Note a few things about the above:
- The output of the join operation is also a table.
- The records in the output table have all of the fields of both input tables (in fact, the Zip Code attribute is repeated for this reason).
- A single record in one table may join with multiple records in the other table (e.g., Record 0 of Pizza By Zip joins with Records 1, 4, and 6 of Customers).
- If a record in one table does not match with any records in the other table, it is omitted from the output (e.g., Record 2 of Customers does not have a matching Zip Code in Pizza By Zip).
The Join operation is usually defined by its simplest implementation, called the Nested-Loop Join. The algorithm, in lightly simplified form, appears as follows:
def nestedLoopJoin[R1, R2, K](
tableA: Iterable[R1],
tableB: Iterable[R2],
getTableAKey: R1 => K,
getTableBKey: R2 => K
): Seq[(R1, R2)] =
val result = new ArrayBuffer[(R1, R2)]()
for( a <- tableA ){
for( b <- tableB ){
if( getTableAKey(a) == getTableBKey(b) ){
result.append( (a, b) )
return result.toSeq
The body of the function is a nested for loop. For every record in the A
table, it iterates over every record in the B table to find the B record(s)
that match. If it finds a matching record, it adds it to the result list.
After it's done with every A record, it returns all of the matches it's
The runtime of the nested-loop join algorithm is
Let's assume that the records of our example tables are defined as:
case class Customer(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
birthday: String,
zipCode: String,
case class PizzaByZip(
zipCode: String,
closestPizza: String
To join the two example tables:
val customer: Seq[Customer] = /* Load Customer Table */
val pizzaByZip: Seq[PizzaByZip] = /* Load Pizza By Zip Table */
val output = nestedLoopJoin(
{ c => c.zipCode } /* function to get a Customer record's join key */
{ pz => pz.zipCode } /* function to get a Pizza By Zip record's join key */
The runtime of the nested-loop join algorithm is high. To get a better runtime we can observe that a large part of the cost is repeatedly running the inner loop: We can do a bit of preparation work before we start running the algorithm to make the inner loop much faster. The result is what people who use and build relational databases called the "hash join" algorithm.
(Again, some terminological pedantry: this is specifically the one-pass hash join. A
closely related variant is called the two-pass, or "grace" hash join, and is used
when there isn't enough space to hold all of tableA
and tableB
in memory, or
when the join computation is big enough that it needs to be run across multiple computers --- e.g.,
"in the cloud")
Note: Although the runtime of accesses to a HashTable
worst-case linear, we will use expected runtimes in this assignment.
Consider what happens when we load tableB
into a HashMap first. Specifically
for each record b
in tableB
, insert b
into the HashMap with a key of
(this is typically called the build phase of hash join).
val hashTable = mutable.HashMap[K, List[R2]]()
for(b <- tableB){
val key = getTableBKey(b)
hashTable(key) = b +: hashTable(key)
} else {
hashTable(key) = List(b)
Note that multiple records of tableB
may have the same join key (e.g., records
1, 4, and 6 of the example Customer table). Since we can't rule this out in
general, typically, the hash join will store a Sequence of records for each join
Note: +:
, the prepend operation on an immutable List
(i.e., a
Singly-Linked List) only requires modifying the list head, and runs in
As discussed in class, building a HashMap with
Next, when we loop over the records of tableA
, we can recover all of the
records by probing the hash table instead of looping over tableB
for(a <- tableA){
val key = getTableAKey(a)
for(b <- hashTable(key)){
result.append( (a, b) )
We're still looping over every element of tableA
, but now instead of a
full iteration of tableB
, we do an contains(key)
and hashTable(key)
), which has an
expected runtime of O(1). Since there might be multiple matches for a given
record, we also need to iterate over all of these.
Although the worst-case runtime of this step (typically called the probe
phase) can be b
record has the same key), it is typically much lower. As a result, it is
customary to capture the runtime of the hash join by looking at the number of
records it outputs. For example, if we know that every record in tableB
joins with at most one record of tableA
(as is the case for Pizza by Zip),
then we can bound the number of records in the join output by
Observe that each iteration of the inner loop (over the records in tableB
appends one record to the result. Thus, the total runtime for this function is
Combining the runtimes of the build and probe phases, we get an overall
expected runtime for the hash join algorithm of:
Regardless of how the tables scale (and under the common assumption that the size of the output scales linearly with the size of the input), this function always grows linearly.
Suppose you are working for Company X and your team is tasked with producing a health record data set to be released to the participants in an upcoming hackathon. Your colleague removed the columns for names and says that the data is ready to go but you aren't convinced. After reviewing the data set, you are concerned that if someone were to combine your "anonymous" data with other publicly available sources there could be trouble. Unfortunately your colleague doesn't share in your concerns and requires proof.
Is this so far fetched? In 2007, Netflix held a competition to improve their recommendation algorithms. This required releasing a large amount of anonymous data from their customers' movie ratings and viewing histories. By combining the Netflix data set with the Internet movie database (IMDb) site data, researchers found a way to link the identity of a Netflix user to a user's IMDb profile based on the select reviews that they published.
With more data being generated and released (and redacted) every day, this is not limited to an old and irrelevant data set. Consider the APIs that expose locations of bikeshare/scooter information (e.g., NABSA). Making these locations publicly available through an API allows for this data to be incorporated into ecosystems that extend beyond the provider's control. As a result you can get useful features like Google maps providing walking directions to the closest scooter/bike within a city, regardless of the service provider. But what is the cost of this? After all, these locations are public knowledge since we can physically see these bikes and scooters on the street. So the exact location of a scooter at a given time may not expose much. What about the pairs of start and end locations along with the date and time of usage? Now we can track usage habits at a particular location and possibly an address. Combining this data and auxiliary information we may be able to identify a set of candidates that are using the scooters. Further analysis may expose things such as daily habits -- particularly when someone normally leaves their house and returns, exposing further sensitive information. Fortunately there are techniques to thwart this.
To address this we have two main problems to tackle: (i) maintain the statistical relevance of the sensitive data and (ii) protect the people represented by the data. Fortunately, there is a well-studied body of tools and techniques under the umbrella of differential privacy for exactly this purpose. By training a model to understand an originally sensitive, but anonymized, data set we can generate synthetic data that looks statistically similar but further protects the individuals contained within. To see more about this, you can read the blog post by Alexander Watson and follow along with the example notebook they provide to understand further.
Template code for the assignment project is provided in src/main/scala/cse250/pa3
All functions to be implemented are provided in the class cse250.pa3.DataTools
A preliminary set of test cases is provided in src/test/scala/cse250/pa3
, and
a set of example data files are provided in src/main/resources
. Note that,
while you will not be graded on the efficacy of your test cases, I strongly
encourage you to build on the provided test cases.
In order to work with the data, we need to import it into our program. Your task
is: given a filename, load the rows of the health dataset file (respectively,
the voter records dataset) specified by filename
into sequence of
objects (respectively, VoterRecord
objects) so that you will be
able to process them later.
Examples of both datasets of varying sizes are provided in the
Hint: be sure to review the data to understand what the format of a line looks
like. For this problem you should complete the definition of the
and DataTools.loadVoterRecords
Both functions can make the following assumptions:
- The file referenced by
exists. - The first line of the CSV file is a header.
- Every subsequent line may be split into fields with
's split method. - Columns containing dates are in a format interpretable by
(which is already defined inDataTools
). - Header fields for the data files are as follows:
Header fields for the health records are:
- "Birthday"
- "Zip Code"
- "Wear Glasses?"
- "Allergic to Dogs?"
- "Brown Hair?"
- "Blue Eyes?"
Header fields for the voter records are:
- "First Name"
- "Last Name"
- "Birthday"
- "Zip Code"
As in PA0, you are encouraged to use scala.io.Source to load the data.
Given the data that we loaded, it is time to illustrate the problem to your
colleague. Using the lists of VoterRecord
and HealthRecord
objects, produce
a Map from each voter's full name (given by the fullName
method of the
class) to the matched HealthRecord
. Every record in the map
should correspond to a pair of VoterRecord
and HealthRecord
that can be
matched uniquely (re-identified).
For this problem you should complete the definition of the
def identifyPersons(
voterRecords: Seq[VoterRecord],
healthRecords: Seq[HealthRecord]
): mutable.Map[String, HealthRecord] = ???
Runtime: This expected runtime of this function must be
Note: A unique match occurs when exactly one voter record can map to exactly one health record and the opposite is also true.
Hint: To gain an understanding of a process to solve this problem, you may want to work it out by hand on the small data sets provided.
Now that you have your colleague on board, you decide to hand off your data set
to the data science team to produce a statistically similar, but secured, data
set. In order to ensure that the datasets are still relevant, we want to be able
to compute and compare stats about the distribution of certain sensitive
values. You will write a function that takes as input a list of HealthRecord
objects and an attribute of the record, and computes the distribution of the
associated values for the given list of records. For this problem you should
complete the definition of the DataTools.computeHealthRecordDist
def computeHealthRecordDist(
records: Seq[HealthRecord],
attribute: HealthRecordAttribute
): mutable.Map[String, Double] = ???
can have exactly one of two values.
- Given the value of
, you should calculate stats for the list ofHealthRecord
objects as follows:- If
attribute == HealthRecordBirthday
, useHealthRecord
field. - If
attribute == HealthRecordZipCode
, useHealthRecord
- If
- In the output, store a mapping from each unique value to the percentage of the
records containing that value.
- The values should be stored as a
, regardless of initial type. - The percentages should be a value in the range
$(0,1]$ .
- The values should be stored as a
Runtime: The expected runtime of this function must be
As a follow-up question, which you don't need to answer: why do we not care
about trying to anonymize the VoterRecord
data set?
Your code may use any containers from the scala collection library. You will
find mutable.HashMap
As a gentle reminder, please re-read the academic integrity policy of the course. I will continue to remind you throughout the semester and hope to avoid any incidents.
These bullets should be obvious things not to do (but commonly occur):
- Turning in your friend's code/write-up (obvious).
- Turning in solutions you found on Google with all the variable names changed (should be obvious). This is a copyright violation, in addition to an AI violation.
- Turning in solutions you found on Google with all the variable names changed and 2 lines added (should be obvious). This is also a copyright violation.
- Use of Github Autopilot (should be obvious). This is still in murky legal water, and may be a copyright violation, in addition to being an AI violation.
- Paying someone to do your work. You may as well not submit the work, since you will fail the exams and the course.
- Posting to forums asking someone to solve assignment problems (even if you do not receive the solution)
- Accessing solutions to assignment problems.
Note: Aggregating every { stack overflow answer, result from google, other source } because you "understand it" will likely result in full credit on assignments (if you are not caught), and then failure on every exam. Exams don't test if you know how to use Google, but rather test your understanding (i.e., do you understand the problem and material well enough to arrive at a solution on your own). Also, other students are likely doing the same thing, and then you will be wondering why 10 people that you don't know have your exact solution.
There is a grey area when it comes to discussing the problems with your peers, and I do encourage you to work with one another to discuss course concepts related to an assignment. That is the best way to learn and to overcome obstacles. At the same time, you need to be sure you do not overstep and not plagiarize. Discussions pointing to relevant course materials are OK. For example, the following is acceptable advice:
It would be helpful to review the usage of the stack in the recitation slides
from week XX.
When working with your peers, we ask that you include attribution; In the header comment of the Main function of your submission, please list all peers who you have discussed the project with.
Explaining every step in detail and/or giving pseudocode that solves the problem is not ok. For example, the following is not acceptable advice:
I copied the algorithm from the week XX notes into my code at the start of the
function, created a function that went through the given data and put it into
a list, called that function, and then sorted the results.
The first example is OK. The second example, however, is a summary of your code and is not acceptable. Remember that you should never show any of your code to other students prior to any deadlines. Regardless of where you are working, you must always follow this rule: Never come away from discussions with your peers with any written work, either typed or photographed, and especially do not share or allow viewing of your written code.
If you have concerns that you may have overstepped or worked too closely with someone, please address this with me prior to deadlines for the assignment. Even if you have submitted an assignment that may have violated the course academic integrity policy, if you approach me prior to detection you will not face academic integrity proceedings. We will address options at that point.
With all of this said, please feel free to use any { files | examples | tutorials } that course staff provides, directly in your code. Feel free to directly use any materials from lecture or recitations. You will never be penalized for doing so, but must always provide attribution/citation for where you retrieved code from. Just remember, if you are citing an algorithm that is not provided by us, then you are probably overstepping.
More explicitly, you may use any of the following resources (with proper citation/annotation in your code:
- Any example files posted on the course webpage or Piazza (from lecture or recitation)
- Any code that the instructor provides
- Any code that the TAs provide
- Any code from the Tour of Scala
- Any code from Scala Collections
- Any code from Scala API
- Additional references may be provided as the semester progresses, but only those provided publicly by course staff are allowed for use. These will be listed on Piazza under Resources
Omitting citation/attribution will result in an AI violation (and lawsuits later in life at your job). This is true, even if you are using provided resources.
Again, if you think you are going to violate/have violated this policy, please come talk to a member of the course staff ASAP so we can figure out how to get you on track to succeed in the course. If you have a question about the validity of a resource, please ask a TA or your instructor prior to using it. If you have already used it, please discuss with the instructor to determine a workaround and, at the very least, avoid an academic integrity infraction. For example, you might send an email such as the following to the course instructor:
Clarus T Example
UBIT: ctexamp
Person #: 123456789
Dear Dr. Kennedy,
I believe that I may have submitted work that is { not fully my own | not
properly attributed }. I wish to retract my submission to preserve academic
integrity in the course.
Clarus T Example
This policy on assignments is here so that you learn the material and how to think for yourself. There is no cognitive benefit achieved by submitting solutions someone else has written (which likely already exist in some form).
The policy for collaboration on assignments is as follows:
- All work for this course must be original individual work.
- You must follow the limits on collaboration as defined in the AI policy (i.e., no shared code/etc...)
- You must identify any collaborators (first and last name) on every assignment. THis can be in a comment at the top of your code submissions or on the first page at the top of your written work, beside your name.
All references must be cited using a comment containing a direct link to the resource, as well as a brief description of what was used. For example, if you reference the textbook, a page number and description is sufficient. If you copy example code from the Scala Language API, then include the link to the class page within the API as well as where the example code resides.
- Summer 2021 - Initial project draft developed as part of the Mozilla Responsible Computer Science Challenge by:
- Joshua Caskie ([email protected])
- Alexander Fernandez ([email protected])
- Garegin Grigoryan ([email protected])
- Andrew Hughes ([email protected])
- Macy McDonald ([email protected])
- Fall 2021 - Adapted for CSE-250 by Oliver Kennedy ([email protected])