This package lets you use the ZED stereo camera with ROS. It outputs the camera left and right images, depth map, point cloud, odometry information and supports the use of multiple ZED cameras.
- First, download the latest version of the ZED SDK on
- Download the ZED ROS wrapper here.
- For more information, check out our ROS documentation, our ROS wiki or our blog post. If you want to customize the wrapper, check the ZED API documentation.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- ZED SDK 2.1 and its dependencies (OpenCV, CUDA)
- ROS Kinetic
- Point Cloud Library (PCL)
The zed_ros_wrapper is a catkin package. It depends on the following ROS packages:
- tf2_ros
- tf2_geometry_msgs
- nav_msgs
- roscpp
- rosconsole
- sensor_msgs
- opencv3
- image_transport
- dynamic_reconfigure
- urdf
Place the package folder zed_wrapper
in your catkin workspace source folder ~/catkin_ws/src
Open a terminal and build the package:
cd ~/catkin_ws/
source ./devel/setup.bash
To launch the wrapper along with an Rviz preview, open a terminal and launch:
roslaunch zed_wrapper display.launch
To launch the wrapper without Rviz, use:
roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch