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An extension of privacyscanner to detect and analyze cookie consent notices

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Cookiescanner is an extension of privacyscanner. It identifies and analyzes cookie consent notices.

Structure (/privacyscanner/scanmodules/cookiebanner)

  • detectors: Detectors for the banners
  • detectors/utils: General functions to process nodes, notices, clickables, etc. used throughout the application
  • extractors: Extract various information from the sites
  • lists: fiter lists and scanning source lists
  • The actual scanner

Setup Instructions

This section describes how to set up cookiescanner. Please note that the code is provided "as is" and may no longer work. The ChromeDevToolsProtocol may have changed, causing the code to fail. If this is the case, please contact me at [email protected] and I will see if there is an easy fix available or if I need to retire the code.

This guide describes the setup process for Debian Unstable, as this was the operating system of the scanning host. However, any Linux distribution with Chromium, Python, and a PostgreSQL database should work.


sudo apt install chromium
sudo apt install python3 python3-venv
sudo apt install postgresql


Start and Enable the PostgreSQL Service

sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql

Create Database and User

# Change to postgres user
sudo su postgres
# Enter psql shell
# create user
create user privacyscanner with encrypted password 'welcome';
create database privacyscanner owner privacyscanner;
# quit
# Exit to normal user

Import DB Schema

# Import DB Schema (use the password you configured for "privacyscanner")
psql -U privacyscanner -d privacyscanner -h localhost -f schema.sql

Set Up Cookiescanner

Configure and Enter a Virtual Environment

python3 -m venv venv
# Enter the venv (the venv has to be activated for each shell that you 
# want to run privacyscanner from)
source venv/bin/activate

Install Modified Pychrome Version

pip install pychrome/

Install Modified Version of Privacyscanner with the Cookiebanner Module

pip install -e .

Copy the Config and Module Dependencies to the Home Directory

cp -r .config/privacyscanner ~/.config
cp -r .local/share/privacyscanner ~/.local/share

Run the BERT model

To keep the dependencies separate, the BERT model runs embedded in a web application inside a docker container, and privacyscanner accesses it via HTTP requests. First, install docker ( - you might have to substitute the release name of the unstable debian distribution with the current stable one, if you use unstable and want to use the docker repository), then build and run the image using the instructions further down below. Since it is quite large, the directory containing the trained ML model is stored on Zenodo together with the training data at

# Move to directory with ML model
cd 01_bert_classifier/
# Build the container
docker build -t paper .
# Run the container detached
docker run --detach --name paper --restart always --publish 9999:9999 paper

OPTIONAL: Change Config File To Add Additional Workers

The scanner is currently configured to run 5 scans in parallel. We used 20 in parallel for the paper which is easily achievable using sufficient resources. You can change this setting by editing the config file ~/.config/privacyscanner/ and adapting the line NUM_WORKERS = 5.

OPTIONAL: Update Module Dependencies

The .local/share/privacyscanner folder contains the dependencies used during the scans for the paper. If you want to fetch new filter lists, you can update them by running the command privacyscanner run update_dependencies.

Insert Scanning Lists, Refill Scanning Queue, and Running Scans

Insert Scanning Lists

Copy your .csv files with websites into privacyscanner/scanning_lists. They have to either be in the form



Otherwise, the insert module will throw an error.

You can list files with privacyscanner scanning_lists and insert a list with the command privacyscanner insert -f example.csv.

Refill the scanning queue

Use the command privacyscanner refill_queue -m cookiebanner to refill the scanning queue for the cookiebanner module.

Delete Scan Results

Use the command privacyscanner clear_results to clear the database. If you need the data, back it up first.

Scan a Single Website

You can scan a single website using the command privacyscanner scan -m cookiebanner <site_url>. Instead of the database, scan results will be saved in the current directory in a folder named after the scanned domain. The folder includes a JSON file with the scan results and screenshots.

Running the Scanner

Run the scanner in the background while redirecting output to a log file: privacyscanner run_workers >> scans.txt 2>&1 & You can terminate the scanner by looking for the PID and killing the parent process once all scans are finished:

# Find the id of the "run_workers" process
ps ax | grep "run_workers"
# Kill it once scans are complete
kill <PID>

Sample Config File

QUEUE_DB_DSN = 'dbname=privacyscanner user=privacyscanner password=welcome host=localhost'
            'chrome_executable': '/usr/bin/chromium',
            # Specifies which detection method is active
                'bert': True,
                'easylist-cookie': True,
                'i-dont-care-about-cookies': True,
                'naive': True,
                'perceptive': True 
            # Specifies the priority according to which banners are analyzed
            # Only one banner is clicked through during a scan attempt
            'detector_priorities': [
            'disable_javascript': False,
            # Take screenshots of the page as well as a screenshot of the page
            # after each button press
            'take_screenshots': True,
            # Take a screenshot of just the detected banner and save it in the
            # result
            'take_screenshots_banner_only': True,
            # The screen resolution
                'width': 1920,
                'height': 1080
            # Width of the scrollbar - Necessary as to not go beyond the bounds
            # of the screenshot during analysis
            # 'scrollbar_width_in_px': 15,
            # Click the elements in the banner
            'click_clickables': True,
            # Shows a matplotlib window of the detected contour (sanity
            # check during development)
            'perceptive_show_results': False,
            # Extracts the content of the privacy policy if present
            # Privacy policies are detected via a keyword list
            'extract_privacy_policy': True,
            # Timeout of the scanner
            'timeout': 60,
            # Old keyword detection just matches the string, new method 
            # extracts the node with matching keyword and highest word count 
            # and only if the word count of the node is three or bigger
            'old_kw_detection': False,
            # Randomize the user agent to mitigate triggering DDOS protection
            'random_user_agent': False,
            # Save the logger output of the scan
            'save_logs': False,
            # Wait time before any action (clicking, etc.)
            'page_load_delay': 5,
SCAN_MODULES = ['privacyscanner.scanmodules.chromedevtools.ChromeDevtoolsScanModule',
STORAGE_PATH = '~/.local/share/privacyscanner'


An extension of privacyscanner to detect and analyze cookie consent notices






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