NOTE to contributors. These are the lessons and content from previous workshops. You should feel free to
- PRUNE heavily
- ADD your own flare
- Improve by providing better analogies
- Improve by adding more formative assessments
- Improve by giving them more practice exercises
- Improve by shortening lessons and sticking to the basics to keep with the time constraints
- Improve the rhythm and flow by adding more breaks
Do not deviate from the Software Carpentry pedagogy. Work closely with your workshop mentors.
feb2018 -- older shell lessons that also contain shell scripting.
oct2018 -- newer, shorter shell lessons with simplified git lesson at the end of the lessons
feb2020 -- modified and condensed shell lessons based off of feb2019 workshop
For more on git you can see the git workshops
feb2019 -- imported the repo to create the current repo for the 2020 python workshop. Original 2019 repo can be found at the link below:
Running the notebooks:
- Follow the website instructions to setup your machine.
- Clone this repo
- Use the command line to go to the repo
- Then go to the python lessons directory
- If conda installed correctly you should be able to lanuch Jupyter from there with this command
jupyter notebook