Releases: TypeDuck-HK/TypeDuck-Windows
Releases · TypeDuck-HK/TypeDuck-Windows
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.1.4
- 處理次要安全性問題 Address minor security issues
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.1.3
- 改善自動校正準確率 Improve the accuracy of auto-correction
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.1.2
- 改善記憶候選詞排序 Refine the order of memorised candidates
- 更新詞表 Update Lexicon
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.1.1
- 補充缺漏中文翻譯 Fill in missing Chinese translations
- 更新詞表 Update Lexicon
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.1.0
- 嘗試解決程式被識別成惡意軟件問題 Attempt to fix the issue of software being recognized as malware
- 更新輸入法引擎 Update Input Method Engine
- 更新詞表 Update Lexicon
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.0.2
- 加入「每頁候選詞數量」選項 Add “No. of Candidates Per Page” Option
- 更新詞表 Update Lexicon
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.0.1
- 加入以下選項 Add the following options:
- 輸入碼顯示位置 Input Code Display Location
- 自動完成 Auto-completion
- 自動造句 Auto-composition
- 輸入記憶 Input Memory
- 補充缺漏中文翻譯 Fill in missing Chinese translations
- 改進介面風格 Enhance Interface Style
TypeDuck for Windows: v1.0.0
- 發佈首個公眾版本 Initial Public Release