Digitalgate provides integration to Turkcell login systems. We have developed an SDK that is highly robust, secure, lightweight, configurable and very simple to embed.
The Digitalgate IOS SDK is compatible with IOS 9.0 and above. Swift 3.2 and above
Add to your pod file following
pod DigitalGate
For Objective C users,
Since You cannot subclass a Swift class in Objective-C.
Use coordinatorDelegate parameter to get callbacks, And handle following methods,
- (void)dgLoginToken:(NSString *)token {
- (void)dgLoginFailure:(NSString * _Nonnull)reason errorMessage:(NSString * _Nonnull)errorMessage {
- (void)dgConfigurationFailureWithConfigError:(NSString * _Nonnull)configError {
Everything is handled through the LoginCoordinator class. You insantiate it and pass the root view controller which is the UIViewController from which the Login process will be started (presented) on.
class ViewController: UIViewController, LoginCoordinatorDelegate {
lazy var loginCoordinator: LoginCoordinator = {
let loginVC = LoginCoordinator( self)
loginVC.delegate = self
return loginVC
@IBAction func startAction(_ sender: Any) {
loginCoordinator.start(dgFlow: .login)
@IBAction func registerAction(_ sender: Any) {
loginCoordinator.start(dgFlow: .register)
@IBAction func switchUserAction(_ sender: Any) {
loginCoordinator.start(dgFlow: .change_user)
@IBAction func logoutAction(_ sender: Any) {
Afterwards call start on the coordinator. That's it!
if you want to customize UI of the LoginCoordinator, you should provide the DGTheme object
Please refer to project document for details..
class LoginCoordinator: DigitalGate.DGLoginCoordinator {
Handle anything you want to happen when LoginCoordinator starts. Make sure to call super.
Before starting the Login process you should provide following parameters,
-appID: Application id which assigned to each app by DigitalGate admin
-language: Language of SDK default is TR
-useTestServer: using Test or Prod servers
-disableCellLogin: if true, cellular login functionality won’t work.
-autoLoginOnly: if true, only cellular login and remember me will work
-disableAutoLogin: if true, login process is forced to user.
-accessGroup: Keychain access group of applications if any,
override func start(dgFlow: DGFlow) {
appID = "2"
useTestServer = true
disableAutoLogin = false
autoLoginOnly = false
disableCell = false
language = DGLanguage(from: "TR")
//accessGroup = ""
super.start(dgFlow: dgFlow)
Override these other 3 callback methods to handle what happens after the user tries to login,
Here you would call your own API.
override func login(token: String) {
// Handle login via your API
print("Login with: email =\(token)")
override func configurationFailure(configError: String) {
delegate?.loginConfigurationFailure(configError: configError)
override func failure(_ reason: String, errorMessage: String) {
if reason == dgKSessionTimeout as String {
} else if reason == dgKUserExit as String {
} else if reason == dgKNotLoginToLoginSDK as String {
delegate?.loginFailure(reason, errorMessage: errorMessage)
You can call the logout() method to logout from SDK.
Nadir OZGURLER, [email protected]