This is the repository of Pontoz-O, an application to rate Hungarian orienteering events developed in collaboration with the Hungarian Orienteering Federation (MTFSZ). The repository was created with Nx and it's made of three packages:
- Functions: The backend of the application, which is an Azure Function App written in TypeScript with the Node programming model v4.
- Client: The React frontend of the application.
- Common: Common types and util functions of the two main packages.
The setup for local development is time-consuming and requires access to some resources of the MTFSZ that are not public.
You'll need the following applications:
- VS Code with the Azure Functions extension v1.10.4 or above and the Nx Console extension
- Node.js 18.x or above
- Azure Functions Core Tools v4.0.5382 or above
- Azurite VS Code extension
You'll need to be able to connect to the following services:
- Azure SQL or Microsoft SQL Server database
- Redis
- Azure API Management
- MTFSZ SSO (not publically available)
Next, create a local.settings.json
file in /packages/functions
Fill with the following values:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==;BlobEndpoint=;QueueEndpoint=;TableEndpoint=;",
"APIM_HOST": "<URL of your API Management instance>",
"APIM_KEY": "<subscription key for your APIM instance>",
"CLIENT_ID": "<client id of your registered app at MTFSZ SSO>",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "<client secret of your registered app at MTFSZ SSO>",
"JWT_SECRET": "a very secret value dont share it with anyone",
"ADMINS": "<array of MTFSZ users that the seed function will set as admin (optional)>",
"REDIS_HOST": "<host url of your redis instance>",
"REDIS_PORT": "<port of your redis instance>",
"REDIS_PWD": "<password of your redis instance>",
"DB_SERVER": "<host of your database server>",
"DB_NAME": "<database name of your database>",
"DB_USER": "<user (with datareader and datawriter roles) of your database>",
"DB_PWD": "<password of your user>",
"DB_ADMIN_USER": "<user (with database admin role) of your database>",
"DB_ADMIN_PWD": "<password of your admin user>"
"Host": {
"LocalHttpPort": 3000,
"CORS": "*"
Next, create a .env
file in /packages/client
with the following content:
VITE_CLIENT_ID=<client id of your registered app at MTFSZ SSO>
VITE_APIM_KEY=<subscription key for your APIM instance>
Then start the Azurite Storage Emulator. You can do this in VS Code by pressing F1 and selecting the Azurite: Start
Next, install the dependencies:
npm i
cd packages/common
npm i
cd ../functions
npm i
Finally, start the frontend and backend with Nx (in separate terminals):
nx run functions:start
nx run client:serve