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This script supported CN, EN, JP and TW server. KR server support can be added if user - you - can help us! Check issue forum for further info.

Any of the questions can be asked in the "Issues" section, you don't really have to find my mail address or DM me on reddit, I'm always here. Don't be shy xD

Please consider Star our repo to encourage us if this script is useful to you : )


Lua-5.1-SikuliGitHub license

Screw those farming events - I only wanna enjoy the (kinoko) story!

Therefore I proudly brought you this: FGO automation script.

As of 2018.10.10, this script is working WITHOUT ROOT / BEING BLOCKED, although I DO NOT take responsibility for your banned account!

PSA: DO NOT update to Android 8.0 and above, or you'll have to use Emulator for the script.

Disclaimer and concern about your account

Table of Contents:


  1. On Android, install the latest version of sikuli framework here.

  2. Download the latest release version of Fate-Grand-Order_Lua, extract it.

  3. Copy the whole extracted folder into your phone.

  4. On Android, enable developer options->usb debugging, connect your PC to android and execute run.bat inside Fate-Grand-Order_Lua \ama_daemon folder ON PC. After daemon has been installed, you can disable usb debugging and unplug. DAEMON NEEDS TO BE REINSTALLED UPON PHONE REBOOT.

  5. If daemon installation was not successful / driver not properly installed, please install this:

  6. Open ankulua to check if daemon is properly installed - and load the script inside your phone - you're done.

  7. Remember to update Fate-Grand-Order_Lua, just download the latest version from here, replace the old version in you phone.


Please choose the corresponding lua file in AnkuLua according to your:

  • FGO server (supported China / Japan / Taiwan / USA currently). Modify the lua file, change settings and add functions such as AutoSkill or AutoRefill to suit your needs. (Sometimes, events have extra window options to click. Refer to Events for more details.)

Then, put your game in either:

  • menu, put your desired quest as the 1st item on the screen(upper-right corner).
  • battle screen.

and click the transparent arrow. You're good to go.

Extra scripts:

  • _auto_friendgacha.lua

As title. It will keep gacha until your bag's full.

  • _auto_gift_exchangeV2.lua

Use for Nero matsuri or Christmas events. Their UI really sucked.

Behavior details:

  • Major and minor adjustments will be done frequently as FGO updates. Remember to update!

  • Stamina does NOT automatically refilled, if you need to refill them automatically, please check AutoRefill.

  • Script automatically chooses weak cards, until "boss" fight. The priority of BAQ cards can be changed, please check Card Priority Customization.

  • It will switch target to any "servant" or "danger" enemy ONCE, cast Noble Phantasm immediately and after until battle ended. The behavior can be changed by Battle_NoblePhantasm, please check Noble Phantasm Behavior for further detail.

  • Choose your party member wisely. Because this script does not do B/A/Q or brave chains, you have to observe the behavior of the script, and arrange your party accordingly in order to gain max clear efficiency / prevent party wipe from highest level event stage.

  • Customized skill command is supported, though the command execution is still highly depends on runtime conditions. Please check AutoSkill.

  • User-defined support selection is supported, though it could be slow at times, please take your farming efficiency into consideration. Check AutoSupportSelection.


If you really want to refill automatically, please modify the lua file you are executing(TW, EN or JP).

There are 3 variables - Refill_or_Not = 0, Use_Stone = 0, How_Many = 0.

You should change Refill_or_Not to 1 to enable the auto refill feature, Use_Stone to 1 if you don't have enough apple (default Use_Stone = 0 will use apple), and How_Many to your planned refill rounds.

For example, Refill_or_Not = 1 Use_Stone = 1 How_Many = 3 will enable the auto refill feature, use stone 3 times, and stop at the "not enough stamina" screen, without using 4th stone.


AutoSkill allows you to execute customized skill command according to your team using a string. To enable, please modify the lua file you are executing(CN, EN, JP or TW).

Change Enable_Autoskill to 1 if you wish to enable it, 0 to disable.

Skill_Confirmation allows you to skip the Confirm Skill Use window. Modify it according to your Battle Menu setting:

OFF = 0
ON = 1

That is, if you need to click through confirmation window to use a skill, make this option Enable_Autoskill = 1. Otherwise, leave it Enable_Autoskill = 0.

Skill_Command is the command string which follows the rules below:

',' = Turn counter
',#,' = Battle counter
'0' = Skip 1 turn

Servant skill = a b c	d e f	g h i
Master skill = j k l
Target Servant = 1 2 3
Activate Servant NP = 4 5 6

Please insert your command in between the "".

Skill_Command = "bce,0,f3hi,#,j2d,#,4,a1g3"

Battle 1:
Turn 1 - Servant 1 skill b, c, Servant 2 skill e
Turn 2 - No skill
Turn 3 - Servant 2 skill f on servant 3, Servant 3 skill h, i

Battle 2:
Turn 1 - Master skill j on servant 2, Servant 2 skill d

Battle 3:
Turn 1 - Activate NP servant 1
Turn 2 - Servant 1 skill a on self, Servant 3 skill g on self

We did not implement skill cooldown check yet.

However by planning ahead, wrote commands for many rounds(putting a lot of zeros), you can prevent the script accidently clicked the skills that were still on cooldown.

Also, you can have a band-aid fix by casting skills only on the 1st servant(a1,d1,f1, etc). By doing so, the script will click cancel when the skill's on cooldown, preventing stuck.

Thanks @ryuga93 for implementing this function!

Chaldea Combat Uniform: Order Change

To use the Master Skill Order Change for servant exchange, insert the following Skill_Command:

x - activates Order Change
Starting Member Position - 1  2  3
Sub-member position - 1  2  3

Skill_Command = "x13"
Exchange starting member 1 with sub-member 3

You are able to mix the Order Change command with normal autoskill command:

Skill_Command = "bce,0,f3hi,#,j2d,#,4,x13a1g3"

AutoSkill List

You can set Enable_Autoskill_List = 1 to enable this feature. You can setup a predefined autoskill list from 1~10, and the script let you choose whenever it ran. This especially helps if you need to farm few different stages during event.


Support_SelectionMode has 3 options: first, preferred, and manual. The default settings first will select the first visible servant on the selection screen. Fastest one.

manual is used when you can monitor your script running - you need to select the support servant yourself, and the script will continue running after selection.

preferred is our desired option here. By putting screenshots of your pre-defined servant or CE into image_SUPPORT folder, that servant or CE can then be chosen automatically by the script. The pic must be a png file, cropped from 1280*720 game screenshot. Name the file yourself and put the filename(s) in the options Support_PreferredServants or Support_PreferredCEs, accordingly.

This selection function will try every combination that you put in the above settings.

Consider the following example:

Support_PreferredServants = "Any"
Support_PreferredServants = ""
(Putting "any" or leave it blank means that you don't care which servant it is.)

Support_PreferredCEs = "lunchtime.png, maid_in_halloween.png"

Then the script will search for:

• Any servant with CE Chaldea Lunchtime

• Any servant with CE Maid in Halloween

And select it immediately once the script found it. The script searches from the top to the bottom of the friend list. The reverse of the above example also stands true, i.e., waver.png with "Any" CE.

Consider another example:

Support_PreferredServants = "waver.png, tamamo.png"
Support_PreferredCEs = "lunchtime.png, maid_in_halloween.png"

And the script will search for: • Waver + Lunchtime

• Waver + Maid in Halloween

• Tamamo + Lunchtime

• Tamamo + Maid in Halloween

And select it immediately once the script found it.

Your screenshot can be anything as long as it is inside the area outlined in red: support_list_region

If the servant/CE is not found in the support list, the script will click refresh as many times as defined in Support_MaxUpdates.

If this limit is reached, the script will use the Support_FallbackTo option to decide what do next. The options are the same as in Support_SelectionMode. So, for instance, if the script is setup like this:

Support_SelectionMode = "preferred"
Support_PreferredServants = "waver4.png"
Support_PreferredCEs = "*maid_in_halloween.png" -- prepend a * if you want to make sure it is MLB(Max Level Break, hence the star sign.)
Support_MaxUpdates = 3
Support_FallbackTo = "first"
waver4.png maid_in_halloween.png
waver4.png maid_in_halloween.png

.... it will try to find Waver + a MLB Maid in Halloween CE in your support list. If it is not found in 3 refreshes maximum, the script will scroll back to top and pick the first visible servant.

The last option, Support_SwipesPerUpdate controls the number of swipes/servants before refreshing the screen. If you have like 6 friend support servants, make it 6.

Thanks @potchy for implementing this function!


If there are events which includes point reward system gained through quests, please set isEvent variable to 1.

This will allow the use of this script for the particular events. If there are other additional windows, a custom script is required.

Card Priority Customization:

By changing the Battle_CardPriority option in the lua file you are executing(CN, EN, JP or TW), you can have your card selection behavior change. There are two modes available, simple and detailed mode. For example:

Simple Mode:
Battle_CardPriority = "BAQ" 
It will select Weak Buster->Buster->Resist Buster->Weak Arts->Arts->Resist Arts->Weak Quick->Quick->Resist Quick cards until all three cards included CPs are selected.

Battle_CardPriority = "ABQ"
It will select Weak Arts->Arts->Resist Arts->Weak Buster->Buster->Resist Buster->Weak Quick->Quick->Resist Quick cards until all three cards included CPs are selected. 

Detailed Mode:
Append W to BAQ to turn them into weak cards, append R to BAQ to turn them into resist cards.
You can create any priority order that will result in the most output you prefer.
Note that you must make sure that there are 9 distinct cards in your input.

Battle_CardPriority = "WA, WB, WQ, A, B, Q, RA, RQ, RB"
It will select weak arts->weak buster->weak buster->arts->buster->quick->resist arts->resist buster->resist quick until all three cards included CPs are selected. 

Noble Phantasm Behavior:

• disabled: Will never cast NPs automatically. If you have Autoskill enabled, please use this option.

• danger: Will cast NPs only when there are DANGER or SERVANT enemies on the screen. This option will probably mess up your Autoskill orders.

• spam: Will cast NPs as soon as they are available.

Currently, danger option will only start working, spamming NPs after you've finished all your pre-defined Autoskill commands. Still in alpha state. If your Autoskill order got messed up, please use disabled option instead.

How to capture screen for recognition:

You can manually replace target_servant.png inside image folder to customize your priority target.

  1. screenshot your phone
  2. convert it to png format
  3. resize it to 1280 WIDTH (1920*1080->1280*720, 2560*1440->1280*720, etc.)
  4. crop the desired pattern(ex: danger, servant, or particular enemy name) for the script to recognize.
  5. replace target.png and test.


Known issues are listed here.

Syntax error: unexpected symbol near '燎:

This error shows up when you save FGO_XX_REGULAR.lua using UTF-8-BOM encoding.

Download Notepad++ or a similar editor and save it using UTF-8 encoding instead.


Feature requests:

Any feature request or bugreport are welcomed. Please create a new issue and I'll do my best!



Enjoy the game!


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