Shell ghost utility using parted, partclone and dd ( {ba,da,}sh compatible ) (version 2.3.3)
The first mega byte until first partition, the very last mega byte from the last
partition to the end of the disk and all the partition content with partclone
or dd
. One mega byte (1MiB) is enough to store partition table (e.g. MBR, GPT)
and a possible bootloader (e.g. Grub).
Ghost entire disk using
:# ghost backup /dev/sda parted -s '/dev/sda' -- unit B print > './%2Fdev%2Fsda.parted.txt' dd if='/dev/sda' of='./%2Fdev%2Fsda.start.bin' count=256 ibs=4096 dd if='/dev/sda' of='./%2Fdev%2Fsda.end.bin' skip=160041885696 ibs=4096 partclone.vfat -c -s '/dev/sda1' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda1.partclone.bin.gz' partclone.ntfs -c -s '/dev/sda2' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda2.partclone.bin.gz' dd if='/dev/sda3' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda3.dd.bin.gz' echo -n > './%2Fdev%2Fsda5.xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.mkswap' partclone.ext4 -c -s '/dev/sda6' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda6.partclone.bin.gz' ...
Ghost entire disk using
:# ghost backup --dd /dev/sda dd if='/dev/sda' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda.dd.bin.gz' ...
Ghost entire disk using
for partitions only:# ghost backup --headers /dev/sda parted -s '/dev/sda' -- unit B print > './%2Fdev%2Fsda.parted.txt' dd if='/dev/sda' of='./%2Fdev%2Fsda.start.bin' count=256 ibs=4096 dd if='/dev/sda' of='./%2Fdev%2Fsda.end.bin' skip=160041885696 ibs=4096 ... # ghost backup --parts --dd /dev/sda dd if='/dev/sda1' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda1.dd.bin.gz' dd if='/dev/sda2' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda2.dd.bin.gz' dd if='/dev/sda3' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda3.dd.bin.gz' echo -n > './%2Fdev%2Fsda5.xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.mkswap' dd if='/dev/sda6' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda6.dd.bin.gz' ...
Ghost entire partition using
(if available) ordd
:# ghost backup /dev/sda1 partclone.vfat -c -s '/dev/sda1' | gzip -c > './%2Fdev%2Fsda1.partclone.bin.gz' ...
For disk and partitions restoration, see the usage and the following detailled informations just below.
ghost list # show a list of connected block devices
ghost restore [OPTION] [FOLDER] # restore disks/partitions from files in FOLDER
ghost backup [OPTION] DEV [FOLDER] # backup entire disk/part in FOLDER
ghost restore [OPTION] [FILES_OR_FOLDERS] # restore headers/partitions from FILE
ghost [OPTION]
can be eitherDISK
is disk path (ex:/dev/sda
is partition path (ex:/dev/sda1
is folder path (default is current working directory)FILE
is file path
-v, --version # print the program version and exit
-h, --help # print this help and exit
--info # print details about what this program does
backup OPTION:
-n, --dry-run # just output backup commands
-Z, --no-gzip # tells to not use gzip
--headers # backup disk headers only
--parts # backup disk partitions only
--dd # use `dd` only
--partclone # use `partclone` only
restore OPTION:
-n, --dry-run # just output restoration commands
For ghost restore
, it will look for this kind of files:
./PART.[LABEL.]UUID.mkswap (which is empty)
For ghost backup -- DISK
, it will create:
./PART.partclone.bin.gz (or PART.dd.bin.gz if FSTYPE is not supported)
For ghost backup --headers -- DISK
, it will create:
For ghost backup -- PART
, it will create:
./PART.partclone.bin.gz (or PART.dd.bin.gz if FSTYPE is not supported)
or ./PART.[LABEL.]UUID.mkswap (for swap)
can also be FOLDER/
Here is a list of command used for this script:
- awk
- basename
- cut
- dd
- echo
- grep
- gzip
- head
- ls
- lsblk
- mkswap
- partclone (optional)
- parted
- printf
- read
- sed
- sort
- stat
- zcat
Copyright (c) 2014, 2017 Tristan Cavelier [email protected]
This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for more details.