Export/Install, and another Pi release!
Pre-releaseNEW! Export and Install
Another ARM build for the Raspberry Pi
The documentation in the wiki is now more up to date (still needs details filled in).
Added an Export tool to zip up completed games to be shared with others. To install, they need to be put in a "Packages" directory and then in the Leikr terminal simply install [name]
to have it uncompressed into the Programs directory. (This system is still being worked on and will be cleaned up)
A few loader bugs were cleaned up (trying to load directories as assets).
Mostly a cleanup release from the major API overhaul and version update. More stable, but Leikr is still in pre release.
Note: This release does NOT bundle a JRE.
You will need a minimum of JDK 12.
For the Raspberry Pi build this means you will need to download it yourself because the repo on Raspbian doesn't have that yet. I use AdoptOpenJDK from here: https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html?variant=openjdk12&jvmVariant=hotspot#arm32_linux