Create pull up view with multiple sticky points with scrollView supported.
- Multiple sticky points
- Only Support's Portrait
- Support's scrollView scroll connection (like AirBnb)
TWPullUpView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'TWPullUpView'
import TWPullUpView
override func viewDidLoad() {
let pullUpView = MyPullUpViewController()
pullUpView.stickyPoints = [.percent(0.3), .percent(0.6), .max]
pullUpView.addOn(self, initialStickyPoint: .percent(0.3), animated: true)
pullUpView.isPullUpScrollEnabled = true
// Remove View
pullUpView.removeView(animate: true)
class MyPullUpViewController: TWPullUpViewController {
// It get called before the view move to nearest sticky point
willMoveToPoint = { point in
// It get called after the view moved to the nearest sticky point
didMoveToPoint = { point in
// It get called when the user is panning the view
didChangePoint = { point in
// It get called when the user is panning and return's percentage of how much the view is opened.
// You can change the starting point of the percent by overriding 'startPercentFromPoint' the default is the min point in sticky array.
percentOfMinToMax = { percent in
class MyPullUpViewController: TWPullUpViewController {
private func setView() {
public struct TWPullUpOption {
/// Animation option to nearest sticky point when panning is ended
public var animationDuration: Double = 0.3
public var animationDamping: CGFloat = 1
public var animationSpringVelocity: CGFloat = 0.4
/// If view can pull up then max height. (When there is no scrollview inside)
public var overMaxHeight: Bool = true
/// If view can pull down then min Height
public var underMinHeight: Bool = true
/// Velocity of the panning to go to next sticky point
/// If it is 0 it will move to next point right away.
/// If it is CGFloat.infinity view will need to move more than half up or down to move to the next sticky point
/// Recommend to use between 1000 ~ 3000
public var moveToNextPointVelocity: CGFloat = 1500
class MyPullUpViewController: TWPullUpViewController {
override var option: TWPullUpOption {
return TWPullUpOption()
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
TWPullUpView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.